(to 11.00)
by Bobby's String Orchestra
Relayed from Bobby's Cafe, Clifton, Bristol
A Play concerning one 'Twm Shon Catti,' the 'Robin Hood' of Wales by Kilsby D. Evans
By Coleridge-Taylor
Relayed from The Gwyn Hall, Neath
Kate Winter (Soprano), Trefor Jones (Tenor), Harold Williams (Baritone)
Choir of the Neath and District Choral Union
National Orchestra of Wales
(Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Cymru)
(Leader, Louis Levitus)
Conductor, Evan Morris
1. Hiawatha's Wedding Feast
Chorus, You shall hear how Pau-Puk-Keewis
Chorus, Then the handsome Pau-Puk-Keewis
Chorus, He was dress'd in shirt of doe-skin
Chorus, First he danc'd a solemn measure
Chorus, Then said they to Chibiabos
Tenor Solo, Onaway, awake, beloved
Chorus, Thus the gentle Chibiabos
Chorus, Very boastful was lagoo
Chorus, Such was Hiawatha's Wedding
II. The Death of Minnehaha
Chorus, Oh, the long and dreary winter
Chorus, Into Hiawatha's wigwam
Baritone Solo, And the foremost said, 'Behold me'
Soprano Solo, And the other said, 'Behold me'
Chorus, And the lovely Minnehaha
Chorus, Forth into the empty forest
Baritone Solo, Gitche Mauito, the mighty
Chorus, In the wigwam with Nokomis
Soprano Solo, 'Hark,' she said, 'I hear a rushing'
Soprano Solo, Wahonomin! Wahonomin!
Baritone Solo, Wahonomin! Wahonomin!
Chorus, And he rushed into the wigwam
Soprano Solo, Then he sat down still and speechless
Chorus, Then they buried Minnehaha
Baritone Solo and Chorus, 'Farewell,' said he, 'Minnehaha'
By Kathleen Jacobs
(to 0.00)