Introduced by Peter Lloyd
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the organ of the Granada Theatre, Tooting
Phil Tate and his Orchestra
Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
and his Band with Vicki Anderson
Harry Bolton , Rita Williams and the Johnny Wollaston Group
at the BBC theatre organ
A series of public concerts from the Colston Hall, Bristol given by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
Today's story: ' My Friend Dorothy,' by Elizabeth Gardner , told by Daphne Oxenford.
Guest of the Week: Mrs. Grace Bok Holmes of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
Reading Your Letters: the latest selection from the Woman's Hour mailbag.
Before the Frost: Frank Preston tells you what to do now to prevent trouble later on with the water system.
Kaye Webb introduces her Diary.
Serial: 'Married to Adventure' by Jule Mannix
Abridged by P. J. R. Wright
Read by Mary Wimbush
The eighth of ten instalments
Programme introduced by Marjorie Anderson
played by BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader,Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Troise and his Banjoliera
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
Holberg Suite for Strings - Grieg
Symphony No. 1, in E minor - Sibelius
and his Orchestra with Kenny Bardell
Patti Forbes , Gordon Langhorn
Don Cameron , and the Mackpies
Young people discussing the current films, books, plays, and tunes they like
This week Norma Ellis (Chairman), Margaret Gilder , Colin Broadley , and Jill Shipton , with Frank Tilsley (guest critic), review:
The Young Lovers
Directed by Anthony Asquith and starring
Odile Versois , David Knight and David Kossoff
(Generally released)
The Thousand and One Nights:
Translated by N. J. Dawood
All Yours:
Michael Flanders introduces the Younger Generation's new weekly competition
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
A story of country folk.
The first of a new series of Historical Whodunits by Hugh Ross Williamson
' On the morrow after Lammas Day was the King William in hunting from his own men with an arrow offshot.' Thus, briefly, the old Chronicle.
Was it accident, envy, treason, or revenge? Hugh Ross Williamson discusses the mystery and comes to the conclusion that it was none of these things.
The best of today's popular music played by the Stanley Black Concert Orchestra and sung by Dick James , Alma Warren
Martin Moreno , The Keynotes featuring
The British tune of the week Your requests in ' Mail Call
Stanley Black at the piano
Top Score's ' Top Four '
Introduced by Jimmy Kingsbury
Producer, Jimmy Grant
W. F. Deedes M.P. and Frederick Willey M.P. debate some of today's events at the Labour Party Conference at Scarborough. The discussion is illustrated by recordings made at today's session
' Katz and Bats in the Belfry '
The Billy Mayerl Rhythm Ensemble with Charlie Katz and his Pied Pipers
' Grand Babylon Hotel' by Arnold Bennett
(to be read in fifteen instalments)
Reader, Keith Pyott
13— ' The Thames has its secrets '
A miscellany of light entertainment introducing the Swedish Radio Orchestra
Conducted by Stig Rybrant
(Continued in next column)
Swedish Variety Orchestra Conductor, Thore Ehrling
Band of the Sves Lifeguards Conductor, Per GrundstrSm
Gustav Egerstam 's
Country Fiddlers
The Popular Trio
Directed by Sixten Stromvall
Alex Portnoff (piano)
Sam Jakobsson (saxophone)
Ake Jelving (violin)
Sten Carlberg (guitar)