Michael Miles introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Nick Olson at the BBC theatre organ
Johnnie Gray and his Orchestra
(Yesterday's recorded broadcast)
Land of the Midnight Sun
A rhapsody of folk tunes
Birgit Sköldberg-Stenberg (soprano)
Radiotjänst Male Choir and Orchestra
Conducted by Sven Sköld
Narrator, Karin Bergman
' The Mine,' by Sean Lucy
Read by Harry Hutchinson
12.45 Concert Hour
(Leader, John Sharpe )
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
for children under five
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson and including:
The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition : a report by Ruth Drew and Joan Yorke
' A Backward Glance': Mary Bligh , a proud godmother, looks back to the childhood of her god-child's mother
' Behind the Headlines ': a weekly feature to fill in the background to some recent news events
' Third Class to Seville': Donal O'Conaill .remembers a journey in Spain.
Serial: ' Yeoman's Hospital,' by Helen Ashton. Abridged by Arthur Calder-Marshall . Read by Marjorie Westbury
For the Woman Reader—page 45
and his Orchestra with Eva Beynon
Don Rivers and Johnny Webb and the Ternenteers
Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
The music you have asked for introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
Northern Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Norman George )
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth with songs from Les Howard
and his Band with Denny Dennis
David Lloyd James looks through the BBC Recorded Programmes Diary for 1952 and invites you to listen again to some of the broadcasts that took place during this week last year
Produced by Harold Rogers
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
A story of country folk.
Raymond Glendenning on tomorrow's fixtures
with Kitty Bluett
Peter Sellers , Patricia Hayes
Patricia Gilbert , Charles Hawtrey
(Continued in next column)
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Eddie Maguire
George Wadmore , and Ted Ray
Produced by George Inns
Presenting High Speed Variety with The Kordites
Kirk Stevens
Dick Henderson Jnr , .
Rawicz and Landauer
Benny Hill
Muriel Smith
Robb Wilton
Northern Variety Orchestra Conducted by Vilem Tausky
Introduced by Alan Clarke
Produced in the North of England by Ronnie Taylor
(Third Series)
17—'Let Sleeping Dogs Lie*with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Hugh Morton , Horace Percival
Doris Rogers , Molly Weir
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Written by Bebe Daniels
Bob Block , and Bill Harding
Incidental music by Arthur Wilkinson
Produced by Tom Ronald
Questions of the moment put by members of the audience are discussed spontaneously by Ralph Wightman Sir Gerald Barry
The Rt. Hon.
Hector McNeil , M.p.
Sir William Y. Darling , M.P. Travelling Question-Master',
Freddy Grisewood
From the Plaza Cinema,
Wincanton, Somerset
This week:
The Squadronalres
Dance Orchestra
Directed by Ronnie Aldrich
* Old London ' by E. F. Benson
Reader, Ronald Simpson
' Friend of the Rich': Part S
Quiet music for the close of daj played by Douglas Cameron (cello) and the BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Programme arranged and conducted by Rae Jenkins
Introduced by John Damn