George Elrick introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Ray Baines at the BBC theatre organ
David Java and his Orchestra
A musical journey to different countries on a magic carpet woven by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank CanteU with Hugh Shirreff as your guide Today's tour includes Yorkshire, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy
and his Orchestra with Julie Dawn
Tony Mercer , Elizabeth Batey
The Highwaymen and the Stagecoachers
(Leader, Frank Thomas )
Conducted by Harold Gray
Cyril Preedy (piano)
for children under five
Introduced by Jean Metcalfe
'Buying a Suit This Spring?': Mary Hill reports on the new sizings and discusses with Roger Brines, head cutter at a London couturier, the basic essentials of good cut and good fitting.
'Meeting Point': a newsletter, compiled by Janet Dunbar , concerning the activities of women's organisations in all parts of the British Isles.
'In the Dancing Twenties': Nicola Meade recalls her days as a professional dancer.
'For Your Information': a barrister explains the provisions in England and Wales of the Inheritance, (Family Provision) Act.
This Act can help close relatives who have been dependent on someone who has died and who hat left a will which does not provide for them.
Serial: 'Yeoman's Hospital,' by Helen Ashton. Abridged by Arthur Calder-Marshall. Read by Marjorie Westbury.
Michael Freedman and his Orchestra
Harry Rabinowitz at the piano
Felix King and his Orchestra
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity' Today's speaker is Dr. Maude Royden. She is introduced by Stuart Hibberd
Conductor, Dan Lloyd
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
Tunes you have asked us to play
on Exploring
Youth Hostellers at High Roding, Essex, put the questions
Eric Shipton , Duncan Carse , and Nina Epton give the answers
In the chair, Jack Longland
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
Seventh of a series of true stories of heroism and adventure in dramatic form
' Buried Alive '
Script by Jerome Willis
Alfred Southon , captured in the Western Desert, was a prisoner-of-war in Italy when the Italian armistice was declared. This is the story of his adventures from the moment he broke out of a prisoner-of-war camp. For fourteen months he was a partisan in northern Italy and eventually started on a bid for escape over the Alps, which ended in disaster.
Edited and produced by Alan Burgess
Enrico Caruso (tenor) on gramophone records
Directed by Cyril Stapleton
In ' Yours for a Song'
The best of today's popular music with The Stargazers
Dick James
Jean Campbell
Bill McGuffie
Harold Smart and the Show Band Singers
Production by Johnnie Stewart
The Sydney Thompson
Old-Tyme Dance Orchestra
Master of Ceremonies,
Sydney. Thompson
Introduced by John Webster
Produced by Glyn Jonez
'old London ' by E. F . Benson
Reader, Norman Shelley
' Portrait of an English Nobleman'
Part 4
John Hewlett at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square, London