Introduced by Jean Metcalfe
'Buying a Suit This Spring?': Mary Hill reports on the new sizings and discusses with Roger Brines, head cutter at a London couturier, the basic essentials of good cut and good fitting.
'Meeting Point': a newsletter, compiled by Janet Dunbar , concerning the activities of women's organisations in all parts of the British Isles.
'In the Dancing Twenties': Nicola Meade recalls her days as a professional dancer.
'For Your Information': a barrister explains the provisions in England and Wales of the Inheritance, (Family Provision) Act.
This Act can help close relatives who have been dependent on someone who has died and who hat left a will which does not provide for them.
Serial: 'Yeoman's Hospital,' by Helen Ashton. Abridged by Arthur Calder-Marshall. Read by Marjorie Westbury.