played by Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Tottenham Citadel
Salvation Army Band
Bandmaster, Ernest Edwards
A weekly radio magazine for young listeners
Edited and produced by Lionel Gamlin
Rhythm Roundabout
Cecil Norman and his Merry-Go-Roundsmen invite you to join them for a holiday musical ride
Holiday Harmonist,
Alf Edwards (concertina)
Olympic Games Report
Stan Tomlin. just back from Helsinki, gives you his impressions of the performances achieved by the younger members of the British Olympic team
Let's Hear the Other Side!
Marcel Stellman puts some discs on the turntable in four different ways:
Fun-and-Games, Free Ticket
Fiddling Around, and Fun with the Famous
Guest of honour, Hermione Gingold
Sunday-morning melodies with Strings in Harmony
Silver Chords Choir and "Children's Corner"
Introduced by Victor Bernard
The Stradivari Orchestra directed by Michael Spivakovsky
Eamonn Andrews , with a BBC mobile recording unit, welcomes to London visitors from home and overseas who are in Britain during the summer
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
The Christian Faith for Everyman
Service from the Salvation Army Citadel, Southend-on-Sea. Conducted by Commissioner John Allan
From London, the tunes you have asked us to play. From Germany, the tunes that make them think of you
In London, Sandy Grandison
In Hamburg,
Christopher Howland
with Margaret Bond
Judy Allen , Barry Kent and Maurice Sterndale
Introduced by Roger Moffat
Highlights of the Show World
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Introduced by Roy Plomley
The Ladies:
Yvonne Arnaud , Martina Mayne
Anne Valery v. the Gentlemen:
Gerard Hoffnung , Kenneth Horne
Hugh Sweny
The Jury:
Three hosiers from Piccadilly, London
Devised and produced by Ian C. Messiter
with a BBC mobile recording unit to interview men and women of the Montrose district and to invite them to choose their favourite music
Produced by John Shuter
The Land of the Midnight Sun
2-To the Lofoten Islands and Hartstad
Robert Dunnett and Bernard Lyons tell the story of a recent journey they made from New-castle to Bergen and then by coastal express steamer up the Norwegian coast to Kirkenes, the last port In Northern Norway
Programme includes recordings made on the ships and in the ports of call
Written by Robert Dunnett Produced by Bernard Lyons
Seaside entertainment presenting leading artists appearing at holiday resorts
This week the spotlight falls on Ramsgate and picks out
Benny Hill
Low and Webster Mary Denise
Penny Nicholls and Billy Merrin appearing in Tom Arnold 's The Big Show ' at the Granville Theatre
The Harmonica Hotshots
Ted Gilbert
Roy and Ray appearing in Cecil G. Buckingham 's
' Seaside Showboat ' at the Royal Victoria Pavilion
At the pianos: Winifred Taylor and Kathleen O'Hagan
Presented by John Ellison
London v. Wales: Round 6
Eight contests between a resident team in London and a challenging team from Wales London:
Hubert Phillips , Denis Brogan
Lionel Hale Wales :
Wyn Griffith , T. I. Ellis
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
by Eamonn Andrews
A magazine programme recalling the highlights of the week's sport, including recorded extracts from commentaries, interviews with outstanding personalities, and expert opinions on events and topics of the week
Produced by Angus Mackay
A programme of gramophone records
Presented by Barbara and Richard Lyon
by Warwick Deeping
Dramatised for radio as a serial in nine parts by John Watt
Produced by Ayton Whitaker
Part 1
(Continued in next column)
Music composed by Henry Reed and played by a section of the BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Rae Jenkins
A summary of events of the past week
Tom Jenkins and the Paim Court Orchestra with Doris Eaves (soprano)
Community hymn-singing from
Bangor Abbey , County Down
Conductor, R. M. Marshall
Organist, R. H. Graham
Hymns introduced by the Rev. James Hamilton
0 worship the King (Tune. Hanover) Hail, thou once despised Jesus (Tune,
Our blest Redeemer (Tune, St. Cuthbert)
0 Word of God incarnate (Tune,
How bright those glorious spirits shine (Tune. Beatitude)
Rock of ages, cleft for me (Tune,
Let me be with thee where thou art
(Tune. Hesperus)
Ten thousand times ten thousand
(Tune, Alford)
with Bernard Miles , this week's resident comedian
The Peter Knight Singers
Stan Stennett
Kenny Thompson
Beryl Reid
John Lewis
Harold Berens
Jill Manners
Cyril Stapleton and his Orchestra
Produced by Bill Worsley
(Stan Stennett is appearing in Gaiety Whirl' at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr; Harold Berens , in ' Lymelight Rendez vous ' at the Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis; Bernard Miles broadcasts by permission of Metro-Golduiyn-Mayer Pictures)
News of the closing ceremony, including recordings, introduced by Rex Alston
From the Broadcasting Centre at the Olympic Stadium, Helsinki
A programme of melody introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
A programme of gramophone records
Introduced by. Phtlip Slessor
Directed by Sidney Crooke