Market trends, news, weather
Thursday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by BRIAN JOHNSTON
Prayer and meditation led by THE Rev. JOHN DREWETT
and Programme News
Memories of a Country Childhood by MAVIS BUDD
Last episode
A monthly programme reflecting life in the country with a Natural History contribution by ERIC SIMMS
Introduced by C. GORDON GLOVER
Produced by Arthur Phillips
BRIGADIER Sir JOHN SMYTH , V.C. discusses the qualities he considers necessary for generalship, with illustrations by many famous generals including Paget. Slim, Alexander, de Guingand, and Montgomery from recordings in the BBC Sound Archives
Produced by Leslie Perowne
Broadcast In the BBC World Service on March 6
STELLA SHEPHERD, reared tn the industrial north of England, approached the tiny Shetland island of Papa Stour, where her husband was to be Church of Scotland missionary and she was to be schoolma'am, with the memory that on some faraway islands missionaries have gone literally to pot.
A series of four readings from the book by James H. Neal
Read by Eric Anderson
Broadcast on January 31
from the West of England
Songs and music in traditional style with PAT NELSON , DICK WITT
THE GREENSLEEVES BAND led by Dennis Darke and the dancers of Whitchurch, Devon
Produced by Brian Patten
A series of legal problems devised and written by JOHN P. WYNN
Introduced by JOHN SNAGGE with a qualified legal opinion from F. W. BENEY , q.c. and comments from a panel of everyday people from home and abroad
Dead Account
Broadcast In the BBC World Service on November 5. 1966
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Introduced by WILLIAM DAVIS
Thursday evening's broadcast
Today's story: ' Jeremy Jungle the Third ' by Mrs. D. Andrews
The first of a new weekly series in which BARBARA Mc DONALD examines the lives and attitudes of people today
1: Having a Baby
Two mothers talk of their approach to bringing a child into the world, the problems it raises, the joy and sadness it can produce.
Produced by Michael Barton
Broadcast tn ' Talkabout' on October 9. 1966, In the North of England Home Service
A radio correspondence column
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
Too Many Dogs: C. M. JACKSON believes that dogs should be limited to the purely functional
Travelling Journalist:
JOHN MORGAN talks to Ann Clwyd about countries he has visited in search of news
Tame Blackbird: SYLVIA DISLEY
' adopted ' one and found that this had its problems
Stay-at-homes: JOHN WRIGHT and JON HOLLIDAY discuss the pros and cons
Introduced by HARRY SOAN from Wales
Killer in Dark Glasses by Henry Treece adapted as a serial reading in six parts by DONALD BANCROFT Read by JOHN PuLLEN with Gordon Gardner and Stephen Jack
After being told to prevent the assassination of the President of Pataguana, Gordon Stewart found himself being shadowed. At the door of his No. 2 flat he heard a voice say: ' Got you at last! '
3: Going South
Produced by Graham Gauld
Broadcast on October 28. 1965
and Programme News
Eric Heidsieck (piano)
Symphony Orchestra Leader. Gerald Jarvis
Constantin Silvestri
Part 1: Schumann
Overture: Hermann and Dorothea
8.10" Introduction and Allegro appassionato, for piano and orchestra
8.26* Overture, Scherzo, and Finale
JOHN BURTON , Librarian of the BBC's Wildlife Sound Library, talks to John Sparks about his recording ventures and the uses of the collection of natural history records
Part 2: Debussy
Iberia (Images)
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by NEWS-STAND
How the dailies have handled the week's news, the opinions they have expressed, and current trends in and out of Fleet Street are analysed by WILLIAM HARDCASTLE
West Africa Correspondent, examines some of the changes that have been taking place in this area
3: Economic Prospects
WILD BILL DAVIS gramophone records