Market trends, news. weather
Thursday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
Prayer and Meditation led by THE REV. RAYMOND SHORT in Manchester
and Programme News
Regional Variations (3)
Regional magazine
Good Morning. Wales!: magazine
Revised second edition of the breakfast-time magazine
Regional Variations (2)
Service for Welsh Schools
Introductory music
9.8 The Service
Immortal, invisible. God only wise (Tune. St. Denio)
Interlude: The Deliverer
3: Deliver us from evil
The Prayer for Guidance
Blest are the pure in heart
(Tune, Franconia)
Wednesday's broadcast
A monthly programme reflecting life in the country with a Natural History contribution by ERIC SIMMS
Introduced by C. Gordon GLOVER
Produced by Arthur Phillips
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: Rhigwm a Chan: music through movement and song
Schools: Today and Yesterday in Northern Ireland!
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
Wednesday's broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Service
New Every Morning, page 93 0 love, who formedst me to wear (BBC H.B. 361)
Psalm 138
St. John 6, vv. 41-58 food of men wayfaring (BBC
H.B. 209)
Compiled and introduced by RAYMOND ESCOFFEY
French for Sixth Forms series
Sing, sing, what shall I singf
The cat's run away with the pudding string
Guitar music by NICHOLAS SMITH
Hunters and Magicians
Written by Leonard Cottrell
Observer sequence by Rhoda Power
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Early Stages in Welsh
A play by JOHN MORTIMER about a prep school
Part 2
Listening and Writing series
Four Distinguished Men
3: Peter Hall
Regional Variations (3)
Gaelic News
Summary of the debates in the Northern Ireland Parliament
Regional Variations (2)
Talking Shop: programme preview
GALE PEDRICK makes a personal selection of items from the many broadcasts on BBC radio and television during the past seven days
Introduced by JOHN ELLISON
Edited version: next Sunday,
11.30 a.m.
Regional Variations (2)
News in Welsh. Weather
and Programme News
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Introduced by WILLIAM Hardcastle
Thursday evening's broadcast
for children under five
Today's story: ' The Duckpond in Winter ' by Joyce Miles
The handsome prince rescued the princess with the ingenious help of Long, Stout, and Sharpeyes.
A Czechoslovak folk tale adapted for broadcasting from Roger Lancelyn Green 's retelling
Let's Join In series
Amongst individuals
3; Healing the wounds
Script by Michael Smee
Christian Focus series
A poetry programme including:
' Stormy' by William Carlos Williams: an excerpt from ' The Meadow Mouse' by Theodore Roethke : and poems by James Kirkup. John Milton. Christopher Middleton , Cherryl Gibson , and James Reeves.
Stories and Rhymes series
Social Work in Action
A series of twenty programmes on the nature and trends of social work in Britain
13: Community Organisationwith Miss E. R. LITTLEJOHN
Secretary, Standing Conference of Councils of Social Service
Secretary, National Federation of Community Associations
Liaison Officer to Harlow Development Corporation
Introduced by David Hobman
Produced by Dennis Simmons
' Social Work in Action' Is intended to be of special interest to those thinking of entering or returning to social work
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's Any Questions? from Burnham
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
Regional Variations (2)
BMC. Band, conductor Harry Mortimer
Programmes on ways of dealing with community problems
But for the Wind
Progress under the Clean Air Act is slow. Ur,ban air is still impure. One official says: 'But for the wind, we'd all be poisoned.'
Script by J. S. Campbell
Narrator, CARLETON Hobbs
Producer, ARCHIE P. LEE
Broadcast on Sept. 29. 1966
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind. including:
The Great Comic Nose Competition: JOAN POMFRET reports on an event in Bolton in which ' Artificial Noses are Strictly Prohibited'
From Rags to Riches?:
PHILIP LIDDELL and BRIAN Ash rummage around Sheffield and report on the state of the rag-and-bone business
Those Married Ladies' Concerts: recollections of a 1930s vogue, by HAZEL M. WHEELER. Reader, DAPHNE Oxenford
Introduced by BARRY CHAMBERS from the North of England
Tales of the Supernatural by Rudyard Kipling dramatised for radio by A. R. RAWLINSON
8: They
' thought I could just make out the tread of small, cautious feet stealing across the dead leaves. So I rang the car bell. But the feet fled ...'
Produced by DAVID DAVIS
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
News. News in Welsh
News. Round-Up
(434 m.) From the North: news and topics. (261 m.) Voice of the North
Latest regional news - The stories behind the headlines-Perspective on a talking point of the moment-Scotland Yard Calling — Sports Spot — FRED STREETER on Gardening
Introduced by BOB HOLNESS
Produced by the South-East news unit
Regional Variations (3)
Welsh for Beginners-16
Anglers' Corner
by Francis Durbridge, with Peter Coke and Marjorie Westbury.
During their stay in Oxford, Paul Temple and Steve met Mavis Russell who showed them an anonymous letter she had received, together with Richard Ferguson's signet ring, which Paul kept.
Later, Paul received a phone call from Richard, who promised to meet him the following evening if he would first take the signet ring to a Mrs. Gulliver But the ring was missing.
4: The Encounter
Other parts played by Peter Bartlett, James Beattie
Frank Partington, David Spenser
Broadcast on Nov. 4 1963 (Light)
Regional Variations (2)
Garddio: gardening magazine
with Nicholas Parsons
Written by Anthony Marriott and Alistair Foot and featuring Denise Bryer and Bob Todd with Barry Cryer and David Cumming.
Music by The Tony Osborne Group
Produced by John Bridges
Colin Horsley (piano)
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Leader. Felix Kok
Conducted by Edgar Cosma followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (2)
Memories of a County Town: Tewkesbury
What are we doing wrongr John Cole talks to
BRIAN BLAKE and KEITH KYLE about his impressions of five months spent studying American industry
See,facing page
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by NEWS-STAND
How the dailies have handled the week's news. the opinions they have expressed, and current trends in and out of Fleet Street are analysed by WALTER TAPLIN
A journalist from abroad takes a took at Great Britain this week
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for fishermen
Read by GABRIEL WOOLF Fifth of twenty instalments