Market trends, news, weather
Thursday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
Prayer and meditation
and Programme News
Regional Variations (3)
Regional magazine
Good Morning. Wales! : magazine
Revised second edition of the breakfast-time magazine
Regional Variations (2)
Service for Welsh schools
Introductory music '
0 worship the King (Tune,
Interlude: Sayings and Parables of Jesus. The empty house (Matthew 12, v. 43; Luke 11, vv. 24-26)
The Prayer for Understanding Be thou my guardian and my guide (Tune, Abridge)
Wednesday's Service
All that glitters ...
ANNE BING looks at the fascination engendered by precious stones, with the help of material selected from the BBC Sound Archives
Produced by John F. Muir
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Rhigwm a Chan: music through movement and song
Stage 2, by RACHEL PERCIVAL Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
Wednesday's broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh service
New Every Morning, page 58
Ye watchers and ye holy ones
(BBC H.B. 288)
Psalm 119, vv. 17-24
Acts 9, vv. 19-31 (N.E.B.)
Come, labour on (BBC H.B.
ALAN KEITH presents a selection of listeners' requests from the BBC Sound Archives
Second broadcast
Lesson 30:
Colette et Jean a bicyclette
Written by Raymond Escotfey
A programme for use with the special film strip
7: Man Communicates
Written by Henry Marshall
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Early Stages in Welsh
by Prudence Andrew
2: The Secret of the Cottage
Listening and Writing series
GEORGE GLOVER , who has been spending four years in the Far East. recalls a very recent journey around what he calls the Canton-HanKchow-Shanghai-Peking-Hankow circuit.
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic News
Regional Variations (2)
Pawb a'l Farn: Brains Trust from Portmadoc
GALE PEDRICK makes a personal selection of items from the many broadcasts on BBC radio and television during the past seven days
Introduced by JOHN ELLISON
Extended repeat: Sunday, 11.15a.m.
Regional Variations (2)
News in Welsh. Weather
and Programme News
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
Today's story: ' The Surprise in the Piano ' by Stella Palmer
The traditional story telling how Brer Rabbit tricked Brer Fox.
Let's Join In series
2: The Power to Hurt and to Heal
Script by Donald Hudson
The Bible and Life series
A story from Norway
In return for his kindness to a troll, Frikk receives a magic fiddle. adapted for broadcasting by Alan Boucher
Stories and Rhymes series
The London Grass Court
Commentary by MAX ROBERTSON during the semi-finals, with summaries by FRED PERRY
From the Queen's Club. London
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's Any Questions ?
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
Coronary artery disease is one of the commonest causes of death in the Western world today. In this programme doctors working on the problems of this modern scourge discuss what has been discovered so far and what each of us should know about it.
Compiled and produced by EILEEN CAPEL
Broadcast on April 28
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind. including:
Time to Stand and Stare: When KAY GARRETT left London to retire to Brixham she found a new tempo to life.
As long as you tear 'em up: PEGGY ARCHER talks to GEORGE ENDACOTT, the retired village postman of South Zeal, near Exeter, whose voice may be familiar to many listeners over forty.
Friendship at Nether Stowey: Wordsworth and Coleridge shared a friendship in North Somerset during which they produced the joint work The Lyrical Ballads. MALCOLM HAZELL talks of the background to this partnership.
The Old Order Changeth: GLADYS SMITH recalls a scene in her childhood at Haccombe House, the stately home of Lady Carew, that illustrates how times have changed over the years.
Harping: JENNIFER ROGERS was taught as a child to play the harp and wishes she had not given it up as a bad job.
Introduced by RALPH WIGHTMAN from the West of England
The Shield by Arthur Swinson
Second of six programmes written with the cooperation of H.M. Customs and Excise to illustrate some of the work carried out to detect and circumvent the activities of those who wish to break the law to their own financial advantage.
2: The Leak
Smuggling refined oil is no bad way of adding to your income if you can get away with it.
Principal characters:
Other parts played by Patricia Gallimore. Nigel Clayton and members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
Voice of the North: regional magazine
News. Round-up
News, Stock Market Reports, News in Welsh
News. Sport
Latest regional news — The stories behind the headlines — This week's main talking point put in Perspective — Road Traffic Report — Scotland Yard Calling - Sports Spot - FRED STREETER on Gardening
Introduced by BOB HOLNESS
Produced by the South-East news unit
Regional Variations (2)
The North at Westminster
Regional Variations (4)
Anglers' Corner
Summary of debates In the Northern Ireland Parliament
Comment: topical discussion
Scottish Dance Music played by the BBC SCOTTISH VARIETY ORCHESTRA
Conductor, JACK LEON with JIMMY BLAIR (accordion)
Regional Variations (4)
The Fisherman's World: magazine!
Choral and organ music for the Centenary of the birth of Charles Wood. St. Patrick's Cathedral Choir, Organist and Choirmaster. Frederick Carter
Tom Bromley and Mantle Childe. two pianos
on records
Introduced by Roy WILLIAMSON
Answers to listeners' questions about science and technology
In the chair,
University College, London
Royal Greenwich Observatory
Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine
University College, London
Arranged by Archie Clow
reads some favourite poems from his L.P.
A Personal Choice
with Isaac Stern who plays and directs a section of the London Symphony Orchestra Leader, John Georgiadis with NELSON COOKE (cello) ROGER LORD (oboe)
ROGER BIRNSTINGL (bassoon) From York Minster
Part 1
Regional Variations (2)
Edinburgh String Quartet
DAVID MAHLOWE took over the job in a by-election
Part 2
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by NEWS-STAND
How the dailies have handled the week's news, the opinions they have expressed, and current trends in and out of Fleet Street are analysed by DOUGLAS BROWN
A journalist from abroad takes a look at Great Britain this week
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for fishermen
Joanna and Ulysses by MAY SARTON
Last instalment
FATS NAVARRO, TADD DAMERON and others on gramophone records
See facing page