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Tuesday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
Speaking from Experience
A teacher of religion recalls an encounter with sixth-form scientists
and Programme News
Your questions answered by JAMES FISHER. RICHARD FITTER and PETER SCOTT
Questions should be sent on a post-card to: Nature Parliament. BBC, Broadcasting House, Bristol 8
Produced by John Sparks
Shortened version of Sunday's broadcast
Introductory music
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
(Tune, Lobe den Hcrren)
Interlude: Sayings and Parables of Jesus. Children at play (Matthew 11, v. 16)
The Prayer for Today
Lord of all hopefulness (Tune,
Repeated: Friday, 9.5 a.m.
New Every Morning, page 78
Guide me, 0 thou great Redeemer
(BBC H.B. 140)
Psalm 67
Acts 10, vv. 34-48 (N.E.B.)
God liveth still (BBC H.B. 513)
STANLEY ELLIS introduces recordings of country people talking about their youth at the turn of the century
Produced by Denys Gueroult
Looking at a tree by HARRY ARMSTRONG
Junior Science series
A treasure hunt leads the children underground
Songs: Capture; Treasure hunt
Introduced by JOHN Huw DAVIES
Written and produced by William Murphy
In the News
This week's programme deals with a topic of current interest
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Across the sea to the east coast of the Isle of Man
Compiled and narrated by John Seymour
Exploration Earth series
S: PETER PORTER introduces and reads a selection from his own poetry
Books. Plays. Poems series
Written by Arthur Garratt
Nature series
The Lawn Tennis
Commentary by MAURICE EDELSTON and MAX ROBERTSON from the Centre Court and No. 1 Court, with summaries and comments by TONY MOTTRAM
Results and latest news from the other courts given by BASIL CURTIS
From the All England Lawn Tennis Club
St. Columb's Cathedral, Londonderry
Introit: 0 taste and see (Vauglian
Psalm 107
Canticles (Stanford in C)
Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord
Organist and Choirmaster, Michael Franklin
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind, including:
I Travel the World:
STEVE BENBOW invites you to join him on a musical journey
The Wandering Albatross:
ADMIRAL SIR WILLIAM JAMESON talks about how he became interested in the great white seabird of the Ancient Mariner's rime
Date with a Doctor
Introduced by POLLY ELWES
introduces a trip to the Spanish Main by Gene Crowley with Lee Montague and Peter Howell
The time. the latter part of the sixteenth century. The place, anywhere on the high seas.
2: The Last Letter
The Lawn Tennis Championships
Further news
and Programme News
JACK TRAIN , NORMAN HACKFORTH with a mystery voice and KENNETH HORNE in the chair
Produced by Bobby Jaye
Nathan Milstein (violin)
Yehudi Menuhin (violin)
Festival Orchestra
Leader, Robert Masters
Conducted by Yehudi Menuhin
From Wells Cathedral
Part 1 soloist. Nathan Milstein
See facing page
talks to HANS KELLER about why. nowadays, so few violla virtuosos teach
Part 2
Famous cases of Sir Rufus Isaacs , K.C.
Chosen and presented at the microphone by Edgar Lustgarten
3: Joel v. Sievier
A prosecution for blackmail, 1908
Rufus Isaacs did not often appear at the Old Bailey either by choice or necessity. In this case he appeared for the defendant against Edward Carson.
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST
Letter's from today's postbag introduced by WALTER JAMES
A varied sequence of music by Chopin and Schumann
ANN SCHEIN (piano)
Second broadcast