for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Michael de Morgan
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper
followed by an interlude
Looking towards
Whitsun Hugh Redwood talks about ' The Coming of the Power '
Louise Davies gives food news : second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
Anna Myers (piano)
Catherine Ellis (soprano) Paul Hamburger (piano)
Christ is our corner-stone (BBC
H.B. 258)
New Every Morning, page 83 Psalm 50 (Broadcast psalter) Isaiah 49, vv. 1-13
Blessed Jesus, at thy word (BBC
H.B. 257)
Band of the Coldstream Guards Conducted by Lt.-Col. Douglas A. Pope Director of Music
3: Life on the Beach
Harry Armstrong looks at plant and animal life on our beaches
Junior Science series
visits Suffolk to join a country dance party at the Village Hall, Little Bealings to the music of Kay Graham 's Band with songs by Bob Roberts
Kenneth Clark who has arranged the programme acts as caller
Forecast for land areas, followed by detailed forecast for the South-East
A light-hearted look at the advertising world with Michael Medwin
Eleanor Summerneld
Fenella Fielding, Sheila Hancock Nicholas Phipps , Warren Mitchell Script by Myles Rudge and Ronnie Wolfe Produced by JOHN SIMMONDS
Recorded broadcast of January 22. in the Light Programme
The traditional Russian tale retold by Jean Sutcliffe with music composed by Ann Driver
Let's Join In series
Second of two programmes on garden pests and ways of fighting them Script by F. R. Elwell
Nature Study series
Mary Wimbush in Matinee
A short trilogy for radio by GYLES ADAMS
When the guest star Milly Milay forgets a matinee performance in a small repertory theatre she changes several people's lives.
1: The Comeback
2: Two Best Seats
3: An Afternoon Out
from Salisbury Cathedral
Confession: Absolution; the Lord's
Preces and Responses (Tomkins) Psalms 32, 33, and 34 First Lesson: Judges 10, v. 17, to
11, v. 28
Magnificat Second Lesson: Hebrews 10, vv. 1-18 Nunc dimittis
Creed; Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Versicles and Responses: Collects
Anthem: Lift up your heads
Prayers; the Grace
Organist and Master of the Choristers, Christopher Dearnley
Assistant Organist, Richard Lloyd
An adventure serial in six episodes by HOWARD JONES
6: The Hostage
' We ran to the steps. There was nothing to be heard but the lapping of the water, nothing to be seen but a few yards of Thames river, sliding through the night-fog. We hailed the waterman, but he was gone.'
Produced by GRAHAM GAULD
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Kenneth Home knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. MEEHAN
by John Seymour
A report on the first of three visits he has been making to fishing communities round the East Anglian coast
Part 2
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
10.59 Weather forecast
played by Eleanor Warren (cello)
Viola Tunnard (harpsichord)