for farmers
Hail the day that sees. him rise
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
Professor John Foster describes some women of the Early Church
4: Jerusalem in A.D. 29—Women disciples on Ascension Day
Hail the day that sees him rise
followed by an interlude
Opening Music: Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A major
Bedana Chertkov (piano)
Ruth Little (contralto) Ian Partridge (piano)
Stage 1 by Rachel Percival
For five- and six-year-olds encouraging them to move to music Tuesday's recorded broadcast
for Ascension Day from the chapel of Lincoln Theological College
Celebrant, the Warden, the Rev. Alan Webster
Introit hymn: See the conqueror mounts in triumph (E.H. 145)
The Lord's Prayer
Collect for Purity
Lord have mercy (Merbecke)
Epistle: Acts 1. w. 1-11
Gradual hymn: Hail the day that sees him rise (E.H. 143)
Gospel: St. Luke 24, vv. 44-63
Creed (Martin Shaw : Anglican Folk
Continued in next column
Offertory hymn: Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (E.H. 319)
Prayer for the Church
Invitation, Confession, Absolution Comfortable Words
Sursum Corda ; Proper Preface
Sanctus and Benedictus (Martin
Prayer of Humble Access Prayer of Consecration
Agnus Dei (Martin Shaw)
Communion: God is ascended up on high (O.B.C. 127)
The Lord's Prayer (Merbecke) Prayer of Thanksgiving Gloria (Martin Shaw)
Organ voluntary: Prelude in B minor (J. S. Bach)
Organist, Neil Dodds
Commentary spoken by the Rev. Paul Oestreicher
Introduced by Gladys Whitred
Songs and orchestral music
Wynford Vaughan Thomas examines some of the reasons for the decline of coal shipments from South Wales and how this decline has affected Cardiff.
. Geography series
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Leader. Peter Gibbs
Conducted by Maurice Miles
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A group of poetry programmes by James Britton about animals and people-domesticated or wild 5: Poetry from Tou
This last programme contains poetry and prose written by children listening to the series
Adventures in English series
2: Forecasting the Weather
AH over the world at precisely the same time hundreds of observers are reporting on the weather. In this programme you hear how these forecasts are devised
Script by Hugh David
Science and the Community series
The story of the persecution of one of Bunyan's followers (1674) Script by Sam Langdon
Stories from British History series
Light and its Reflection
Edward Curtis , R.I.B.A., talks about light and its function as an integral part of an architect's work
oboe with Gerald Moore (piano) on a gramophone record
by BARBARA SLEIGH from the tale by the Brothers Grimm
Snip the Tailor sat cross-legged in the window of his shop. The sun shone through the open door, and his little brown hen Griselda scratched happily about on the floor beside him.
Other parts played by members of the cast
Produced by DAVID DAVIS
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Flute Concerto in C major played by Roger Bourdin (flute)
Versailles Chamber Orchestra Conducted by Bernard Wahl on a gramophone record