for farmers
' Christian Space Research '
Talks by the Archbishop of Cardiff the Most Rev. John Murphy
5: The fallen Angel
Regional Variations (2)
Anglers' Corner
See Light Programme
Weather and News Summary at 7.30
' Christian Space Research '
Talks by the Archbishop of Cardiff the Most Rev. John Murphy 6: My Angel
Regional Variations (2)
Good Morning! records
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the news, its background, and the people who make it
The Cocktail Party Problem by Neville Moray
Lecturer in Psychology, Sheffield University
How is it that we can follow a conversation through all the babble of a cocktail party? This seemingly innocent question uncovers some very complex mechanisms in the brain.
Last Thursday's recorded broadcast in Network Three
Victoria Sumner (soprano)
Alasdair Graham (piano)
Gott im Friihlinge: Im Abendrot; Im Haine; Auftosung
Impromptu in F minor (D.935 No. 1) Songs:
Suleika 1: Suleika 2
Regional Variations (3)
From Today's Papers
Your M.P. at Westminster
ROBIN BRYANS , writer and traveller, describes how a Devon farm gave him refuge when he had to leave the Caribbean.
Lord of all being (BBC H.B. 11) New Every Morning, page 1 Psalm 3 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 6. vv. 1-13
Put thou thy trust in God (BBC
H.B. 313)
Falkman and his Apache Band
Holberg Suite
Cowkeeper's Tune and Country
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by George Weldon a recent gramophone record
Reports from Britain and overseas
Introduced by Bill Hartley
Let the Buyer beware: Michael Rose on the pitfalls in buying a used car To Signal a Stop: The controversial use of the left-hand indicator when stopping is discussed by Denis O'Neill , of the Ministry of Transport, and Ronald Priestley
It's a Fair Deal-Perhaps: Hamish M. Henderson talks about the law of Sale of Goods and how it applies to the motorist
Produced by James Pestridge
Regional Variations (4)
The West at Westminster
Ulster Band: Templemore Avenue Silver Band; conductor, Alfred E. Bell
Forces' Favourites: records
Stars and personalities who are In Town Today
Introduced by LESLIE MITCHELL Produced by Richard DINGLEY
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A sort of radio show written by Eric Merriman with Kenneth Home
Kenneth Williams
Hugh Paddick , Betty Marsden
Bill Pertwee , Jill Day
The Fraser Hayes Four
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Incidental music by Edwin Braden Sort-of-announcer, Douglas Smith Produced by Jacques BROWN
Recorded broadcast of November 16, 1961. in the Light Programme
H.E. Bates, novelist and short story writer, discusses with Roy Plomley in a recorded programme the eight gramophone records he would take to a desert island.
(Previously broadcast on Feb. 26)
Regional Variations (2)
Sands of Dee: people of the Dee estuary
Returned Empty
A play for radio by ARTHUR CURTIS
Seventeen years ago Frank Lariatt did wrong-and now his past has caught up with him.
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Produced by BETTY DAVIES
Some expert opinions of the game at home and of the British Lions' tour of South Africa this summer, from ex-internationals:
Cliff Morgan in Cardiff
Sammy Walker in Belfast
Jock Wemyss in Edinburgh
John Kendall-Carpenter and C. H. Gadney , M.B.E. Vice President of the Rugby Football Union in London
Chairman, Rex Alston
Produced by Kenneth Pragnell
Regional Variations (4)
Holiday-Go-Round: records
Rugby League Challenge Cup: Wakefield Trinity v. Wigan
Association Football: Irish Cup, a semi-final tie
Wales v. France
Rex Alston and Gilbert Bennett describe play in this afternoon's international match at Cardiff Arms Park
W. E. N. Davis sums up from time to time
Excerpts from some outstanding long-playing records of popular music
A musical programme for children under five
Introduced by Peter Hawkins
Items include some trumpet music played by Jack Mackintosh
Last of a new series of six plays written by ANTHONY BUCKERIDGE
6:Jennings and the Mysterious Raindrops
Produced by GRAHAM GAULD
Your record requests played by Graham Gauld
Postcards should be sent to:
Luck of the Draw, BBC, London, W.l.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Ulster Sports Report
News. Sports Medley
News. Sport Spotlight
News. Sport
Sport in the West
Results from Sandown Park, Sedgefield, and Uttoxeter
Association Football
Results, reports, and comments on matches played by south-eastern clubs
Minor Leagues
Results of matches played by clubs in the Athenian, Isthmian. and Southern Leagues
Rugby Union
A report on the match between the Army and the R.A.F.. and news of games played by London and south-eastern teams
Comment in Sport
Well-known sports personalities are invited to express their views on affairs of the moment
Introduced by Jacob de Vries
Produced by Gerald Sinstadt
Regional Variations (2)
' At the Luscombes ': family series by Denis Constanduros
Anthony Kershaw , M.P. gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Introduced by Ivan Samson Master of Ceremonies, Charles Crathorn
Produced by Andrew Gold
The dances: Military Twostep; Waltz; Shadow Saunter; Princess Gavotte: Royal Empress Tango; Hesitation Waltz; Mayfair Quickstep
Introduced by Dennis Price
The singers
Catherine Wilson
Julia Shelley , Otakar Kraus
The first broadcast of Rucky Van Mill
Comedy from
Leslie Crowther , Ronnie Barker
This month's comedy guest Arthur Askey
This month's storyteller Fay Compton
Variety Playhouse Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Carey Edwards and Leslie Crowther
Short story by Robert Rietty Produced by ALASTAIR SCOTT JOHNSTON
The Heiress by RUTH and AUGUSTUS GOETZ adapted from the novel ' Washington Square ' by Henry James
See panel and page 3
Regional Variations (3)
John Braine: as North
John Braine and his Work: the Northern writer interviewed by Leeds University students
News of books and their makers in reviews, quotations and interviews
Geoffrey Gorer speaks on fiction as fact
Introduced by Corbet Woodall
Regional Variations (2)
Family Prayers
Evening prayers conducted by the Rev. Colin James
followed by late weather forecast
Sonata in E minor (K.304)
Sonata in E flat major (K.481) played by Frederick Grinke (violin)
Joseph Weingarten (piano)
Recording of the broadcast of August 28. 1961