for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
Talks for Passion Week by John Wren-Lewis
4: Resurrection of the Body
Second edition
followed by an interlude
Regional Variations (2)
Round-up of events
by Ian McGeogh
To revisit places and people known long ago is often disillusioning, but it can be a trium'ph. Ian McGeogh remembered the resistance workers who helped him across France when he was an escaped prisoner of war, and tells how he went to meet them again.
Edward Darling (tenor)
Josephine Lee
(harpsichord and piano)
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I by Rachel Percival
Tuesday's recorded broadcast
Blessed Jesus (BBC H.B. 267) New Every Morning, page 83 Psalm 50 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 14, vv. 42-52
Alone thou goest forth. 0 Lord
(BBC H.B. 79)
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
The story, with musical excerpts from Smetana's opera for nine to eleven year olds
Gladys Whitred (soprano)
Maureen Lehane (contralto) Andrew Gold (tenor) David Ward (bass)
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Written and introduced by Gladys Whitred
Jordan: Colin Jackson describes for Schools a recent visit to a kingdom on the edge of the Arabian desert which is striving by modern methods to attain economic independence
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru
Eine Kletterpartie in Osterreich Hans and Inge find the typical Austrian landscape a great change from the flatness of Frankfurt.
Script by Hilde-Maria Kraua
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Meredith Davies
Elsie Waters and Doris Waters (Gert and Daisy) talk about the National Gardens Scheme of the Queen's Institute of District Nursing
An illustrated booklet (2/- plus 6d. postage) giving full particulars of gardens in England and Wales may be obtained from The National Gardens Scheme[address removed] or for Scotland from Scotland's Gardens Scheme[address removed]
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
' At the Luscornbes '
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions
Wednesday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (4)
I Ysgotion Cymru
Week ahead: Farming diary
What's On? Coming events
An autobiography by MRS. ROBERT HENREY
Read by Cecile Chevreau
Arranged for broadcasting in fifteen episodes by Mollie Greenhaigh PART 7
In part 6 Madeleine told of her second school, where she first became conscious of religion. Her father and uncle came home on leave, and news came from the country that Cousin Ernestine had married the hairdresser, Henri Toulouse. Madeleine spent a happy winter at St. Cloud. Her father was injured in an accident and discharged from the army.
Script by Sam Langdon
Part 4: The War God's Field
Adventures in English series
Helping the Deaf
In this programme you hear how scientists have been able to help the deaf to speak and hear.
Script by Philip Brown
A storv of how Admiral Duncan quelled a mutiny and defeated the Dutch in 1797 Script by R. M. Neill-Hall
Regional Variations (3)
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ: requests
One Good Turn: records
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Edward Rubach (piano)
Visiting artist, Dennis Bowen
Conducted by Sir John Summerson
Sunday's recorded broadcast
by Floteam (B. C. Hilliam ) at the piano with the help of records
A programme for the fives to eights
Come Along and Join Our Song with Sassie Rees and Maimie Noel Jones
' Slli-Go-Dwt '
Story by Linda Thomas
Storyteller, Sheila Huw Jones
Introduced by Evelyn Williams
A story by Glen Rounds told by Guy Kingsley Poynter
Roy Bradford reviews a mixed bag of recent records
Forecast for land areas. followed by detailed forecast for the South-East
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market report
News. Round-up of events
News, sport
News. Stock Market report
South-Eastern News
6.30 Town and Country
Comment, controversy and character for listeners in London and the counties of the South-East
6.57 London Stock Market Report
Regional Variations (6)
The Dancing English: from Peterborough
Up Tempo: Johnny More; the Harry Hayward Trio
Prizewinners' Concert: from the Belfast Music Festival
Farm Forum.
Music at Seven: BBC West of England Players
Quartet in E minor played by the Aeolian String Quartet
Sydney Humphreys (violin) Trevor Williams (violin) Watson Forbes (viola) Derek Simpson (cello)
The Browning Version by TERENCE RATTICAN
See above and page 46
Regional Variations (3)
The Arts in Ulster
The Redshaw Singers; Dennis Townhill. organ
Philip Hope-Wallace introduces excerpts from the operetta by Offenbach
The cast includes: witth the Rene Duclos Chorus Lamoureux Orchestra
Conducted by Igor Markevitch on gramophone records
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest is argued or investigated
Regional Variations (5)
Falbh no Fuireach? Gaelic debate on the crofter's son
'The Fugitives': play by Gad fan Morris
The Choir of Peterborough Cathedral; Stanley Vann, organ
The James Young Show
George Mora introduces records of Latin-American music
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (6)
Liverpool University undergraduates read their poetry
Piping by Hector Mac-Fadyen
Newry Musical Society
Agincourt Street
Darts: News of the World Welsh Championships
from the Midlands
Little Sister by Alice Massie read by Georgie Henschel
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines; prayers
followed by a late weather forecast
Suite: Don Quixote (Telemann)
Lucerne Festival Strings
Directed by Rudolf Baumgartner
Symphony in D
(Frantisek Vaclav Mica )
Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Vaclav Smetacek on gramophone records