Speaker, C. A. Joyce
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Wallace Greenslade
' The Use of Freedom '
Talks by the Rev. Richard Hanson
1-Freedom from and freedom for
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
Each day this edition may indude some of the items from the first edition.
See Light Programme
by Alistair Cooke
Antony Hopkins
Frederick Harvey (baritone)
Evelyn Amey (piano)
Armstrong Gibbs
Nightfall; Silver; The cherry tree: By a hier-side; Danger: Impromptu; The scarecrow; The splendour falls
God is working his purpose out (BBC
H.B. 177)
New Every Morning, page 61 Canticle 7 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 5, vv. 26-42
Lift up your heads (BBC H.B. 178)
SINGING TOGETHER, by William Appleby
11.20 THE WORLD OF WORK. Work and the Law. Script by Ronald Smurth waite.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH: Actualites Franchises. Aujourd'hui, Ie micro apportera a nos, auditeurs quelques renseignements et commentaires sur ce qui se passe actuellement en France. Texte d'Emile Harven
(Leader. Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
Carlina Carr (piano)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed, forecast for the South-East
by D'Arcy Niland and Ruth Park
Production by William Glen-Doepel (The recorded broadcast of April 30)
Makeshift Manager: F. S. Leonard ruminates on lessons learned during his wife's absence
The Block: A. H. Chesworth tells how the 1914 war scattered a group of friends and sent two of them to fresh adventures in the Royal Flying Corps
Presented by John Dunn
(The second item is recorded)
The Lawn Tennis Championships
Further reports
For Children of Most Ages
Junior Theatre presents
Said the Cat to the Dog'
A series of ten plays about Mompty and Peckham by Martin Armstrong
2—'Peckham minds his own business'
Produced by Graham Gauld followed by Music for Cats and Dogs
5.30 For Children of Most Ages
' Write me a Letter '
The Children's Hour correspondence column of the air edited and introduced by Adrian Thomas
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
The most memorable events in a decade of entertainment
:rom the shows of the year:
Valmouth '; The Crooked Mile ' and featuring on gramophone records:
Elisabeth Welch. Millicent Martin Louis Jourdan , Maurice Chevalier and Danny Kaye
The George Mitchell Choir and the BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, Julien Gaillard )
Conductor. Harry Rabinowit *
. Script by Roy Plomley
Production by Tom Ronald
by Arthur Wing Pinero
Varella Cid (piano)