' The Parable of the Sower '
Talks by the Rev. B. M. G. Reardon
3-Stony Ground
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews
Introduced by Michael Brooke
' The Parable of the Sower '
Talks by the Rev. B. M. G. Reardon
4-The Thorns
Repeated on Friday at 6.50 a.m.
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Second edition
Introduced by Michael Brooke
Peggy Castle (contralto) Frederick Stone (piano)
Ann Griffiths (harp)
music AND MOVEMENT I, by Rachel Percival
Away with our fears (BBC H.B. 147) New Every Morning, page 44 Psalm 86 (Broadcast psalter) St. Luke 24. vv. 1-12
Breathe on me, breath of God (BBC
H.B. 148)
The Jimmy Leach
Organolian Quartet
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred.
11.20 GEORAPHY. Deep Sea Fishing: Aberdeen. Script by Robert Duncan.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. Jeder kennt das Gesicht. Manuskript von Milo Sperber.
Peter Schroder : ' Du spielst im Fernsehen? Hilde, das ist ja grossartig, das ist kolossal! '
(Leader. James Hutcheon )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Jack Brymer (clarinet)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' A Christmas Carol ' by Charles Dickens. Script by Sam Langdon. 1—'The Ghost of Christmas Past'
2.20 science AND THE COMMUNITY. 10-Atomic Engines
2.40 STORIES FROM BRITISH HISTORY. Essex and Tyrone: a story of Ireland. Script by Robert Gittings
Visiting Day
Charles Witherspoon visits a children's ward in the Orthopaedic Hospital,
Greenisland, Co. Antrim and invites some of the patients to choose a record
5.25 'Charter Pilot' by Gilbert Dalton
2—' Written in Sand '
Produced by Peggy Bacon
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest is argued or investigated
by the Rev. H. A. Williams
Dean of Chapel
Trinity College, Cambridge
Next Thursday: Judgment
played by Denise Lassimonne (piano)
No. 1. in C: No. 2, in C minor; No. 4, in C sharp minor; No. 5, in D; No. 6, in D minor: No. 7, in E flat
Sixth of nine weekly programmes in which the Forty-Eight Preludes and Fugues are being played