True or False?
Talks by J. Stanley Pritchard
3-' I'm an ordinary man '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
True or False?
Talks by J. Stanley Pritchard
4-' Give a dog a bad name '
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
John Noble (baritone)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
Sommerabend (Dammernd liegt der Sommerabend) ; Mondenschein; Es liebt sich so lieblich; Es schauen die Biumen alle; Der Tod. das ist die kiihle Nacht; Wie bist du. meine Konigin; Botschaft
Gramophone records including some of their songs and Hoist's St. Paul's Suite
Away with our fears (BBC H.B. 147) New Every Morning, page 44 Psalm 86 (Broadcast Psalter) Amos 8, vv. 1-12
0 King enthroned on high
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
and his Latin-American Rhythm
Presented by Cyril Drake
Six programmes by Hugh Malet describing voyages made in a small boat through the canals and rivers of England and Eire; with recordings made by some of the people he met
1-From Felixstowe to London
Produced by Francis Dillon
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Stories behind the headlines told by the people who made them
3-The Nine-Days' Wonder
From time to time a new sensation fills the newspapers only to disappear from the front page after a few davs. Flying saucers, the Girl Pat, Amy Johnson's flight to Australia, the Loch Ness Monster-these and many others are recalled with contemporary recordings.
Written by Gordon Cruickshank
Narrated by Alexander Moyes
Produced by Denys Gueroult
by Keith Burrows
Reminiscences of a Cockney childhood during the war of 1914-18 Written and narrated by Gertrude Hutchinson with Yvonne Hills , Hilda Schroder
Thea Wells , Marjorie Westbury Frank Atkinson , Leigh Crutchley
Frank Duncan ,Denis Goacher
Produced by Terence Tiller
with Pearl Hackney , Deryck Guyler Ruth Porcher , Frederick Treves
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Hywel Davies meets some of the people who live there. They are introduced to him, before an audience of their fellow towns-folk, by J. C. Griffith-Jones
From the Rolls Hall, Monmouth
by Elizabeth Dawson
Produced by Charles Lefeaux
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest is argued or investigated
Maurice Cole (piano)
Sonata in F minor, Op. 67 (Appassionata)
Rondo in C. Op. 51 No. 1