' The Lord and Giver of Life'
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' The Lord and Giver of Life '
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. Malcolm F. Graham
' Revealer '
Reading from St. John 16. w. 7-11 Repeated on Saturday at 6.60 a.m.
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (S.P. 507, omitting v. 5; A. and M. 210. P. and H. 92, both omitting vv. 4. 6; C.H. 484. omitting vv. 2, 3: Tune, Cape-town)
Interlude: The Gift of the Holy
Prayers; the Prayer for God's Presence; the Lord's Prayer
Our blessed Redeemer (S.P. 182. C.H.
180. P. and H. 89. all omitting, v. 2; A. and M. 207: Tune, St. Cuthbert)
George Scott-Wood and his Accordion Band
time AND TUNS, by Kay Foster. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOE SIXTH FORMS. Some Modern Philosophies. 4-A Philosophical Revival: The Neo-Thomists, by the Rt. Rev. B. C. Butler, O.S.B. , Abbot of Downside.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Great Britain v. U.S.A.
A report on this morning's play
From Muirfield
TRAVEL TALKS. A Journey through Chile. Script by Kathleen Corry Hodgson.
2.20 THE BIBLE AND LIFE. Why the Bible? 4-Ordinary People and God. Script by John Taylor.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 1. ' A Grass Rope ' by William Mayne , adapted by Edward Blishen. 4— 'The Unicorn Captured'
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, George Hurst
Frederick Grinke (violin)
Progress report on today's play
Jack Watson in Two Fishy Stories from
'Biggles- Presses On' by Captain W. E. Johns
Adapted as radio plays by Bertha Lonsdale 2 - 'Fishy Business'
Produced by Herbert Smith
For Older Listeners
Camping with a Trek Cart
Celia H. Falcon talks about the experiences of six girls on a week's camping tour in Yorkshire
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
to Harry Worth
Also Involved are
Paddy Edwards , Wallas Eaton
Rosalind Knight , Ronnie Stevens
Script by George Wadmore
George Evans , and Peter Jones
Production by Charles Maxwell
Repeated on Monday at 9.0 (Light)
(Leader, Koland Stanbridge )
Conductor, Charles Groves
From the Winter Gardens,
A survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
William Pleeth (cello)
Margaret Good (piano)