The Jack Emblow Quintet
Forecast for land areas
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine followed by MORNING MUSIC
A sequence of short stories by the Rev. Vere Ducker
5-. Vantage Point '
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Interval music
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster. (BBC recording)
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS I (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Probability: 2-The 'Random Walk' by Maurice Kendall. Professor of Statistics. London School of Economies and Political Science
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
given by the BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Lawrence Leonard
From the Town Hall, Manchester by courtesy of the Manchester Corporation
TRAVEL TALKS. Shepherds of the Transylvanian Alps. Script by A. L. Lloyd.
2.20 THE BIBLE AND LIFE. The Story of John Mark. 3-Nero persecutes the Christians. Script by Morwenna Bielby.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH i. ' Bevis ' by Richard Jefferies. adapted for broadcasting by Edward Blishen. 3 — ' New Formosa
A play for broadcasting adapted from the novel by Gilbert Hackforth-Jones and Margaret Hackforth-Jones
A radio correspondence column
For Children of Most Ages
' Philomena by Kate Seredy
Abridged as a serial story in six parts by Marianne Helweg and read by Jill Balcon
3-' Babushka up to her tricks again'
5.10 For Older Children
Alec Clunes in ' Ravensdaughter '
A play in six episodes by Aubrey Feist
3 — ' The Quest for the King '
'Out of the past Alfred is riding.
Hark to the clank of his cavalcade,
Drowned by the sound of our English cheering.
Voice of the England that Alfred made.' with the recorded voices of members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company and boys of Chigwell School, Essex
Horn fanfares played by Barry Tuckwell and Denzil Floyd
Production by David Davis
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
with Wallas Eaton
The Keynotes
followed by late weather forecast for land areas