A reading for Sunday morning from
'Person to Person' by William Lawson , s.j. Part of the chapter called
' Man as Related '
Reader, Joan Inglis
Forecast for land areas
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon )
Conducted by John Hollingsworth
Forecast for land areas
Marjorie Anderson introduces:
Talk of the Town: reported by Diana Graves.
Being Married: a series in which married couples give their personal views. 1 - A journalist and his wife.
Miss E.C. Bather, O.B.E., a recent guest in Woman's Hour.
Home: Lady Docker, Janet Teissier du Cros, and Kevin FitzGerald describe what this word means to them.
with Anny Schlemm (soprano)
Overture, Pique Dame (Suppi): Philharmonia Promenade Orchestra, conducted by Henry Krips
0 silver moon (Rusalka) (Dvorak): Anny Schlemm with Berlin Radio
Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Wolfgang Rennert
Orchestral Drama: Fifine at the Fair
(Bantock) : Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor, Sir Thomas Beecham, Bt. on gramophone records
Conducted by Lionel Hale
Book: Janet Adam Smith
Art: Colin Maclnnes
Film: Riccardo Aragno
Theatre: Harold Hobson
Radio: Charles Gibbs-Smith
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Edited and introduced by Maxwell Knight
Animal Senses: I-Sight
How do the senses of animals resemble or differ from our own?
In the first of four programmes on this question, Maxwell Knight discusses the sense of sight-how and what animals see—with W. E. Swinton and Leo Harrison
Produced by Raymond Barker
A gramophone chain of famous operatic duettists linked together by William Mann
Ruggiero Ricci (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult
Part 1
by Sean O'Faolain
' Every short story has some bright destination; every step into the story must imperceptibly lead towards its point of illumination.' For the benefit of those who have tried to write short stories, and for those who simply like reading them, Mr. O'Faolain tries to show how the thing is done.
Part 2
The programme also includes music from Hoist's Suite ' The Planets '
This part of the concert is also being broadcast in the BBC Television Service and is introduced by Alec Robertson
Before an invited audience in the BBC studios, Maida Vale, London
Timothy Bateson in 'Great Expectations ' by Charles Dickens adapted as a serial play in seven parts by H. Oldfield Box
5— ' In Which Pip has an Unexpected Midnight Visitor '
Production by Josephine Plummer
'I returned to London from my visit to Miss Havisham's and my meeting with Estella after her long absence, my heart and my mind filled with only one image-Ihat of Estella. And that evening, as Herbert and I sat before the fire in our rooms at Barnard's Inn, I decided to open my heart to him.'
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A summary of events of the past week
Max Jaffa and the Palm Court Orchestra
This evening's visiting artist:
Philip Hattey
by Alistair Cooke
A discussion
Whose taste should decide the look of the buildings we put up? At present our elected representatives, with or without expert advice, have power to control the siting and appearance of almost every new building, from sky-scraper to garden shed. Can a democratic, or a bureaucratic, system foster beauty—or will it, in trying to restrain ugliness, encourage mediocrity and crush imagination? Should we all be free to build what we please? Should architects be free?
These questions are discussed by: An enquirer, Marghanita Laski
An architect,
. Denys Lasdun, M.B.E., F.R.I.B.A.
A planner,
Arthur Ling , F.R.I.B.A., M.T.P.I.
Architect and Planning Officer to the City of Coventry
by General Sir Francis Festing , G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O.
Commander-in-Chief, Far East Land Forces at Taukkyan War Cemetery near Rangoon
The Memorial commemorates twenty-seven thousand officers and men of the Commonwealth Armies who fell in Burma and Assam during the Second World War and to whom the fortune of war denied the rites of burial or cremation customary to their faiths.
If reception conditions allow, it is hoped that this programme will include a report from Rangoon by Gerald Priestland , together with recordings made at the ceremony
' The Abundance of the Heart'
Jeremiah 17, vv. 5-10, and 13-14 Psalm 34. vv. 11-22 (Broadcast
St. Luke 6, vv. 20-45
Blest are the pure in heart (BBC
H.B. 318)
Hebrews 4, v. 12
followed by late weather forecast for land areas