Morning melodies played by The Jack Emblow Quintet
Forecast for land areas
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews followed by MORNING MUSIC
See Light Programme
'Loving Our Neighbours as Ourselves' by the Rev. H.F. Lovell Cocks, D.D.
5 - Forgiveness
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
See Light Programme
Interval Music
New Every Morning (S.P. 31, omitting w. 4. 5. 6: A. and M. 4, omitting v. 4: C.H. 259. omitting w. 1. 6, 6. 7; P. and H. 175, omitting v. 4: Tune, Melcombe)
Interlude: The healing of Peter's wife's mother
Prayers; the Prayer of Dedication; the Lord's Prayer
Now thank we all our God (S.P. 350;
A. and M. 379: C.H. 29; P. and H. 25: Tune, Nun danket)
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
TIME AND TUNE by Kay Foster. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Current affairs
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
American Composers
From the Town Hall, Manchester by courtesy of the Manchester Corporation
TRAVEL TALKS. A Country Child in Denmark. Script by Derek Patmore. (BBC recording)
2.20 THE BIBLE AND LIFE. The Story of John Mark. 1-Who was John Mark ? Script by Morwenna Bielby. (BBC recording)
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I. ' Bevis ' by Richard Jefferies , adapted for broadcasting by Edward Blishen. 1-' The New Sea
A play for radio by N. C. Hunter
with members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Produced by Peter Watts
(The recorded broadcast of January 6)
played by Laurindo Almeida on a gramophone record
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to the views expressed in .' Any Questions? '
Programmes from 5.0 overleaf
For Children of Most Ages
Philomena' by Kate Seredy
Abridged as a serial story in six parts by Marianne Helweg and read by Jill Balcon
1-' Philomena, Babushka and Father Mathias
' Raven's Daughter '
A play for broadcasting in six episodes by Aubrey Feist
1-' The Hostage ' with the recorded voices of members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company and boys of Chigwell School, Essex
Horn fanfares played by Barry Tuckwell and Denzil Floyd
Production by David Davis
(Derek Blomfield is appearing in ' The Mousetrap ' at the Ambassadors Theatre, London; Alec Clunes broadcasts by permission of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre and Tennent Productions, Ltd.)
Aubrey Feist writes on page 41
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Colin Davis
Michal Spisak , who will be forty-four this year, is a Polish composer who has been living in PaTis since 1937; he studied at the Katowice Conservatoire and with Nadia Boulanger. His music, which is for the most part light in calibre, aims mainly at the qualities of good taste and craftsmanship.
His Serenade won first prize in the Queen Elisabeth Competition held in Brussels in 1953. It is in four movements : a short Intrada, an Etude-Danse, a Romance, and a moto perpetuo Finale.
Deryck Cooke
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow