BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Forecast for land areas
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews followed by MORNING MUSIC
See Light Programme
Bible reading and comment on the themes for the Universal Week of Prayer by the Rev. John Stott
4— The Holy Spirit and the Church
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
followed by Morning Music
George Elrick introduces your request records
by Reginald Paul
0 worship the King (BBC H.B. 471) New Every Morning, page 7
Canticle 6. part 1 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 5. vv. 27-37
Forth in thy name, 0 Lord, I go
(BBC H.B. 406) ,
Michael Freedman and his Orchestra
and his Band
A gallery of portraits of British individuals in close up
Lionel Ellis market gardener of Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire in a conversation with Philip Donnellan
(Leader, James Hutcheon )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Overture. Don Giovanni (Mozart):
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Fritz Lehmann
Symphony No. 9, in C (Schubert):
Philharmonic Promenade Orchestra, conducted by Sir Adrian Boult on gramophone records
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
This afternoon's visiting artist
John Carol Case
(soprano) sings arias by Rossini
Verdi, and Delibes on gramophone records
A series of four talks in which D. C. Horton tells of some of his experiences as a District Officer in the British Solomon Islands before the last war
3-The Momolo
For Children of All Ages
' Matilda's Winter Sports'
A Matilda Mouse story by Dora Broome told by Wilfred Pickles
6.15 * Doctor Peppercorn on Twelfth Night
A light-hearted play by David Scott Daniell
Produced by Peggy Bacon
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Le Tombeau de Ravel played by Thea King (clarinet) with Ernest Lush (piano)
by D'Arcy Niland
Produced by Hugh Stewart
A monthly programme, the only regular one of its kind, in which radio is used to link speakers in London and other world centres to exchange views on important issues of common interest
Chairman in London,
Robert McKenzie
The subjects dealt with in ' Radio Link are always highly topical. They, and the names of the speakers, will therefore be announced only shortly before each broadcast.
of poetry he enjoys
Poems read by Olive Gregg and James McKechnle
followed by late weather forecast for land areas