Programme Index

Discover 11,128,835 listings and 272,887 playable programmes from the BBC

Regional Variations (4)

As West.

BBC Home Service Midland

Service for Plough Sunday. from St. Andrew's Church. Nunton, near Salisbury: the Rev. W. B. Hughes.

BBC Home Service West

World Mission Sunday

BBC Home Service Scottish

from St. George's Congregational Church, Middlesbrough; conducted by the Minister, the Rev. Dudley S. Noel
0 taste and see (Vaughan Williams) Prayer and the Lord's Prayer Praise the Lord (C.P. 20)
Lesson: St. Matthew 16, vv. 13-28 City of God (C.P. 253) Sermon
Rise up 0 men of God (C.P. 561) Prayers
God of grace (C.P. 563) Blessing
Organist. G. A. Todd


Dudley S. Noel
G. A. Todd

Regional Variations (3)

Dear to My Heart: speaker, Elspeth Huxley.

BBC Home Service West

Arnold Goldsbrough (piano): Bach.

BBC Home Service Midland

by Lance Sieveking
3—H. G. Wells
It was whilst staying with G. K. Chesterton that Lance Sieveking met H. G. Wells. After that he used to visit him occasionally at Easton Glebe. Later he worked with him on film scripts and adaptations and saw him frequently during the last three years of his life.


H. G. Wells
G. K. Chesterton
Lance Sieveking
H. G. Wells.
Easton Glebe.

Regional Variations (2)

Welsh record requests.

BBC Home Service Welsh

A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Record Retrospect of 1956 'Some notable Performances and Recordings ' by Alec Robertson
' New Versions of old Favourites ' by Trevor Harvey
' Some Additions to the recorded Repertoire ' by Andrew Porter


Edited By:
Anna Instone
Edited By:
Julian Herbage
Introduced By:
Julian Herbage
Alec Robertson
Trevor Harvey
Andrew Porter

Regional Variations (2)

Welsh Diary. Interlude.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Script by Max Bellancourt
Produced by J. P. Allen
The Vidals and their friends are now in Marseilles. Monsieur Vidal is expecting a letter giving details of a villa which they intend to rent at Boulouris, on the Riviera. Brian and John have to write a letter to a hotel asking for accommodation.
P.T.T. (Postes, telegraphes, et telephones), G.P.O.; la poste (le bureau de poste), post office; Ie poste, position, post; la cabine telephonique, call-box; l'annuaire (des telephones), directory; Ie regional, trunks (toll); Ie faux numero, the wrong number; villa a louer, house to let; le locataire, tenant, occupier; descendre a l'hotel, to put up at the hotel; meilleur marche, cheaper; Ie bureau de tabac, tobacconist's; ne quittez pas, je vous donne la communication, hold on, I'll connect you.


Script By:
Max Bellancourt
Produced By:
J. P. Allen

Regional Variations (3)

Tales of wild life in Northumberland and Cumberland.

BBC Home Service North


BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Listeners' questions about the countryside answered by Eric Hobbis , Maxwell Knight , and Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland
Produced by Bill Coysh


Eric Hobbis
Maxwell Knight
Ralph Wightman
Jack Longland
Produced By:
Bill Coysh

Regional Variations (5)

Out in the Garden.

BBC Home Service Midland

Gardeners' Question Time.

BBC Home Service North

The Scottish Garden.

BBC Home Service Scottish

As North.

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

A gardening weekly
Introduced by Roy Hay
Charles Unwin talks about seed novelties
Norman Stewart deals with winter work among the fruit
Fred Streeter outlines the week's work


Introduced By:
Roy Hay
Charles Unwin
Norman Stewart
Fred Streeter

Regional Variations (2)

Welsh Bookshelf: Glyn Jones reviews books by Welsh authors.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Talking of war books Nigel Nicolson, M.P. , who has reviewed a great many of them, shows how the enormous pool of war experience has been drained off into literary pint pots, tubs, and vats of different shapes and colours. while the liquid still retains a distinctive flavour


Nigel Nicolson, M.P.

by Serafin and Joaquin Quintero
Adapted for broadcasting by Cynthia Pughe
Produced by Hugh Stewart


Joaquin Quintero
Broadcasting By:
Cynthia Pughe
Produced By:
Hugh Stewart
Sybil Arundaie
Gillian Maude
Virginia Winter
Mary Ogg
Gabrielle Blunt
Dressmaker's assistant:
Betty Linton
Fortunato Charles:
Lloyd Pack
Don Victorio:
John Gabriel
Simon Lack
Blind man:
Roy Hepworth
Old gentleman:
Robert Sansom
Brewster Mason

For Children of Most Ages
•Can I Get There by Candlelight?'
Songs, tunes, and stories from the British Isles
4-The Heart of Englandwith The Albert Webb Orchestra
Ronald Bristol (tenor) and John Moore talks about the countryside round his home in Gloucestershire
Introduced by Bob Arnold Produced by Peggy Bacon


Albert Webb
Ronald Bristol
John Moore
Introduced By:
Bob Arnold
Produced By:
Peggy Bacon

Vilem Tausky
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon)
Denis Dowling (baritone)
Michael Krein (saxophone)
The Linden Singers
Conductor, William Llewellyn invite you to listen to a programme of music for the early evening
Produced by Neil Sutherland
(Denis Dowling broadcasts by permission of Sadler's Wells Trust, Ltd.)


William Armon
Denis Dowling
Michael Krein
William Llewellyn
Produced By:
Neil Sutherland
Produced By:
Denis Dowling

Regional Variations (6)

As Midland.

BBC Home Service West

The Word for Living. Service from Renfrew Old Parish Church.

BBC Home Service Scottish

Service from the University Church, Great St. Mary's. Cambridge: Preacher, the Rev. Mervyn Stockwood.

BBC Home Service Midland

As Midland.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Service from St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. Lurgan. Co. Armagh: Preacher, Father Patrick Smyth

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Conducted by the Rev. Douglas Stewart
The wise may bring their learning
(BBC H.B. 370)
Act of Worship
First Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 38, vv.
Psalm 8 (Broadcast psalter)
Second Lesson: St. Mark 6, vv. 1-3;
Acts 18, vv. 1-4
The Son of God his glory hides (BBC
H.B. 68)
Teach me, my God and King (A. and M. Rev. 337)
BBC Singers
Directed by George Thalben-Ball
8.5 Getting and Spending
R. T. Brooks introduces a dramatised episode concerned with ' Earning my Living,' and discusses it with Canon C. J. Stranks
Recorded episode devised by Jenifer Wayne and played by Geoffrey Matthews. Mairhi Russell and Laidman Browne


Rev. Douglas Stewart
Directed By:
George Thalben-Ball
R. T. Brooks
Jenifer Wayne
Played By:
Geoffrey Matthews.
Played By:
Mairhi Russell
Played By:
Laidman Browne

Appeal on behalf of King Edward VII 's Hospital for Officers (Sister Agnes') by Captain Anthony Kimmins , O.B.E., R.N. (Retd.)
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Captain Anthony Kimmins , [address removed]
King Edward VII 's Hospital for Officers has both single rooms and small wards, and aU commissioned officers of the Forces are eligible for admission, whether serving or retired. Serving officers are entitled to free nursing and maintenance in the ward beds; any difficulty which other patients may have in paying is always sympathetically considered. The hospital has its own consultant staff, whose fees are in accordance with the patients' means, and there is a Samaritan Fund to help those in straitened circumstances.


King Edward Vii
Captain Anthony Kimmins
Captain Anthony Kimmins
King Edward Vii

by Sir Walter Scott
Adapted as a serial for broadcasting by John Keir Cross
3—' Wandering Willie'
Produced by James Crampsey
(George Dories is in 'A Scrape of the Pen ' at the Gateway Theatre, Edinburgh)
Darsie Latimer , saved from death in the quicksands by the enigmatic ' Laird of the Solway Lakes,' senses that his rescuer knows more than Darsie himself of the mystery surrounding his birth and fortune. With the help of the Quaker fisherman, Joshua Geddes , young Latimer begins to make his way back to the inn at Shepherd's Bush.
Meanwhile in Edinburgh, Darsie's friend Alan Fairford reports the arrival of two strange visitors to his father's house-a Mr. Herries of Birrenswork, and a young lady in a green mantle. The former makes it clear that his business with the old lawyer concerns Darsie Latimer ; the latter makes it no less clear to young Alan that so long as Darsie remains on Solway-side he is in the gravest danger.


Sir Walter Scott
Broadcasting By:
John Keir
Produced By:
James Crampsey
Produced By:
George Dories
Darsie Latimer
Joshua Geddes
Alan Fairford
Darsie Latimer
Darsie Latimer:
Bryden Murdoch
Joshua Geddes:
Andrew Keir
Wandering Willie:
C R M Brookes
Mary Riggans
Cristal Nixon:
George Davies
June Shields
Sir Walter:
William Crichton

Regional Variations (3)

The Squire of Piccadilly: William Stone reminisces on the eve of his hundredth birthday.

BBC Home Service West

The Case of Alice: a crisis in missionary endeavour.

BBC Home Service Scottish

A poetry notebook edited and produced by Patrie Dickinson
Readers. Jill Balcon and C. Day Lewis


Produced By:
Patrie Dickinson
Jill Balcon

BBC Home Service Basic

About BBC Home Service

BBC Home Service is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 1st September 1939 and ended on the 29th September 1967.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More