Creswell Colliery Band
Conductor, Ernest Woodhouse
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
A talk by Canon J. E. Fison
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A midweek bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
by Geoffrey Williamson
We tend to think of Greenland as frozen and uninviting, and so it is for the greater part of the year: but for a brief spell each summer there are places well within the Arctic Circle that can be steeped in sunshine and where it is possible to walk to the edge of the ice cap itself.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' The real Robinson Crusoe '—Alexander Selkirk (1676-1721). Script by Rhoda Power.
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
(BBC H.B. 102)
New Every Morning, page 29 Canticle 8 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 9, vv. 9-17
Think, 0 Lord, in mercy (BBC H.B.
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
Len Marten introduces records of some of the ' Tops' in the world of entertainment
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Records by popular bands from both sides of the Atlantic
Introduced by David Jacobs
Double Bill
• IT'S A LONG LANE' by Betty Stafford Robinson
3.25 app. 'COBBER BRISTOWE' by Ron Westacott
Plays produced by Audrey Cameron
from Leeds Parish Church
Sentence, Confession, Absolution, and the Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalms 93 and 94 First Lesson: Micah 4, v. 1, to 5. v. 1 Magnificat (Stanford in A)
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 3
Nunc dimittis (Stanford in A) Creed, Responses, Collects
Anthem: The heavens are telling the Father's Glory (Schiitz)
Prayers and Blessing
Precentor, Trevor Bone
Organist and Choirmaster.
Melville Cook
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
played by the Jim McLeod Quintet
Five discussions on questions facing trade unionists today
3--Compulsory Overtime
Harry Phipps
Branch Official of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and a pipe-fitter welder in a Manchester chemical works
John Plant
A member of the Transport and General Workers' Union and Branch Chairman in a London bus garage
Asa Briggs
Professor of Modern History in the University of Leeds, formerly Reader in Recent Social and Economic History in the University of Oxford
Changes in organisation and in methods constantly give industry new problems to solve. Until fresh principles are agreed and established, these problems tend to recur again and again as causes of industrial unrest.
In each of the programmes of this series two trade unionists and an economic historian discuss one of the principles that has been at stake in recent industrial disputes.
William Gilman presents gramophone records of popular Portuguese music
late weather forecast for land areas