Programme Index

Discover 11,128,835 listings and 272,887 playable programmes from the BBC

Regional Variations (5)

For Farmers.

BBC Home Service Scottish

Farming Today.

BBC Home Service North

The Farmer: magazine.

BBC Home Service West

As North

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

An agricultural weekly
Topical talks of interest to farmers and country people
News commentary by Robert Henriques
Introduced by George Villiers


Commentary By:
Robert Henriques
Introduced By:
George Villiers

Regional Variations (2)

Schools. Let's Join In: story.

BBC Home Service Scottish

LET'S JOIN IN. 'Snow': a winter story of country life. by Ruth Ains worth
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Petrushka first of two illustrated talks by Roger Fiske
2.40 HISTORY it. The Reform Act of 1832. Script by Antony Brown


Ruth Ains
Roger Fiske
Script By:
Antony Brown

Double Bill
• IT'S A LONG LANE' by Betty Stafford Robinson
3.25 app. 'COBBER BRISTOWE' by Ron Westacott
Plays produced by Audrey Cameron


Betty Stafford Robinson
Ron Westacott
Produced By:
Audrey Cameron
Ida Lambert:
Cecile Chevreau
Edward Lambert:
Geoffrey Hodson
Bus conductor:
Rolf Lefebvre
Molly Rankin
Rifle-range man:
Brewster Mason
James ' Cobber Bristowe:
Russell Napier
Ken Felton:
Charles Hodgson
Superintendent Muir:
James Thomason
Inspector MacPherson:
Arthur Lawrence
Mr Reynolds:
Brewster Mason
Rolf Lefebvre
Geofffrey Hodson
Geofffrey Hodson
Molly Rankin

from Leeds Parish Church
Sentence, Confession, Absolution, and the Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalms 93 and 94 First Lesson: Micah 4, v. 1, to 5. v. 1 Magnificat (Stanford in A)
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 3
Nunc dimittis (Stanford in A) Creed, Responses, Collects
Anthem: The heavens are telling the Father's Glory (Schiitz)
Prayers and Blessing
Precentor, Trevor Bone
Organist and Choirmaster.
Melville Cook

Regional Variations (3)

Children Singing: The Marl-garth Singers.

BBC Home Service North

As North

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

This listing contains language that some may find offensive.

Regional Variations (3)

Children's Hour. As Midland.

BBC Home Service West

Children's Hour. ' Valley of Silent Sound '-3. Talk.

BBC Home Service Midland

For Older Children
' Counterspy *
A new serial by John Darran featuring security officers Greg Vaughan and ' Rocky ' Mountain in their latest assignment, 'The Jupiter Case '
3—' The Silver Raft'
Production by Lorraine Davies
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Four talks for the New Year by Clifford Othen
4—-' Losing Heart'


John Darran
Greg Vaughan
Production By:
Lorraine Davies
Clifford Othen
Lt -Cmdr Gregory Vaughan, R N:
John Darran
James Mountain:
Michael Aspel
George Worth:
Barry Faber
Patricia Marshall:
Ennis Tinnusche
Gabby Owen:
Dillwyn Owen
Mick Evans:
Cynddylan Williams
Sergeant Rees:
Prysor Williams
Olive Michael

Regional Variations (4)

' Teulu'r Siop ': Welsh serial.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Farm Diary

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Air Space: correspondence.

BBC Home Service West

Episode 14
Script by Godfrey Harrison
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont


Script By:
Godfrey Harrison
Conducted By:
Paul Fenoulhet
Produced By:
Leslie Bridgmont
David Bliss:
George Cole
Anne Fellows:
Diana Churchill
Tony Fellows:
Colin Gordon
Penny Gay:
Petula Clark
Mrs Griffin:
Gladys Henson
Psyche, the dog:
Percy Edwards

Five discussions on questions facing trade unionists today
3--Compulsory Overtime
Harry Phipps
Branch Official of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and a pipe-fitter welder in a Manchester chemical works
John Plant
A member of the Transport and General Workers' Union and Branch Chairman in a London bus garage
Asa Briggs
Professor of Modern History in the University of Leeds, formerly Reader in Recent Social and Economic History in the University of Oxford
Changes in organisation and in methods constantly give industry new problems to solve. Until fresh principles are agreed and established, these problems tend to recur again and again as causes of industrial unrest.
In each of the programmes of this series two trade unionists and an economic historian discuss one of the principles that has been at stake in recent industrial disputes.


John Plant
Asa Briggs

Regional Variations (2)

Extra Mural ': short story.

BBC Home Service West

Frederick Grinke (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Festival Hall, London


Frederick Grinke
Paul Beard
Sir Malcolm Sargent

Regional Variations (6)

The Midweek Meditation.

BBC Home Service Midland

Questioning the Bible— 8.

BBC Home Service North

Angus MacDonald piping.

BBC Home Service Scottish

Signature: the life and poems of F. W. Harvey.

BBC Home Service West

As North

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Three talks on the impact which science has made, and may make, on common ideas of life and how to live by Sir Geoffrey Vickers , V.C.
3-Decisions and Valuations
Can we have any say about the course of human society or is our sense of having initiative' an illusion? In the last of his talks Sir Geoffrey Vickers suggests that science can already throw light on the nature of human decisions and may one day reach a point of contact with the deepest ethical values.


Sir Geoffrey Vickers
Sir Geoffrey Vickers

BBC Home Service Basic

About BBC Home Service

BBC Home Service is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 1st September 1939 and ended on the 29th September 1967.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More