A reading for Sunday morning from
• The Philosophy of the Good Life ' by Charles Gore
Read by Alan Wheatley
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
The Week in the West
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader, Donald Sturtivant )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (5)
The Scottish Garden.
E. H. Emery (organ)
' Out in the Garden,'
As N. Ireland.
A gardening weekly
Introduced by Roy Hay
Edwin Cherry , W. H. Young , and Fred Streeter discuss with Roy Hay in his Surrey garden problems common to all gardeners
Regional Variations (4)
Service from Hillsborough Parish Church. Co. Down
Service from Cramond Church, by Edinburgh.
Parish Communion from Tetburv Parish Church. Glos.
from the Priory Church of Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York. Conducted by the Rector, the Rev. B. A. Smith. Preacher, the Archbishop of York
Versicles and Responses Psalm 121
First Lesson: Isaiah 63, vv. 1-5
Te Deum
Second Lesson: St. Matthew 1, vv.
Lesser Litany Collects
Be thou my guardian and my guide
(A. and M. 282)
Through all the changing scenes of life (A. and M. 290)
Organist. Sidney C. H. Fossett
4-The Military Rivals
C. P. Snow remembers some arguments between his grandfather and his mother
Next Sunday: Stanley Spencer
Regional Variations (2)
Edward Vito (harp) (records).
A request programme of gramophone records including this week:
Variations on a Theme by Haydn
Two Bagatelles, Op. 119 (Beethoven) The Fountains of Rome (Respighi)
Air: Depuis le jour (Louise) (Charpentier)
Suite: The Firebird (Stravinsky)
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
' Michael Tippett (born January 2, 1905) ' by Scott Goddard
' Opera in 1954 ' by Harold Rosenthal ' English and French Music for Two Pianos ' recorded by Ethel Bartlett and Rae Robertson
' Musical Profile-Tito Schipa ' by Philip Hope-Wallace
This week in the Home Service
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A magazine programme edited and introduced by James Fisher
Drift Migration and the Winter Movements of Birds
A discussion between
Kenneth Williamson , Director of the Fair Isle Bird Observatory, R. S. R. Fitter , and Bruce Campbell
Produced by Desmond Hawkins
Regional Variations (2)
West-Country Diary.
A scene from
Tchaikovsky's opera
(sung in Russian) on gramophone records
Cast in order of singing: with the chorus and orchestra of the Bolshoy Theatre, Moscow conducted by A. Orlov
Conducted by John Summerson
Film: Freda Bruce Lockhart
Theatre: Eric Keown
Radio: Stephen Potter
Book: Pamela Hansford Johnson
Art: Eric Newton
Regional Variations (2)
Npw Cardiff Ensemble; Clifford Bunford (tenor): Stamitz Vaughan Williams
Sidonie Goossens (harp)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Sir John Barbirolli
Part 1
Alwyn - Lyra Angelica Concerto for Harp
Regional Variations (2)
Paul Dehn talks about poetry written by children
See page 6
Part 2
Symphony No. 1, in E minor. Sibelius
Arthur Calder-Marshall
This week he talks about ' People,' ' Places,' ' Things,' and ' Ideas,' compiled by Geoffrey Grigson and Charles Gibbs-Smith .
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. Play: ' King of Glory.'
For Children of Most Ages
' Are You Awake, Gemelli This Frosty Night?'
Poems and music mainly about the starry heavens
Compiled by Geoffrey spoken by David, Jo. and Eve with music chosen by Jo
From Cramond Parish Church, by Edinburgh. Conducted by the Minister, the Rev. R. Leonard Small
The Service includes
Metrical Psalm 121: I to the hills will lift mine eyes (Tune. French)
Jesus, friend of little children (C.H.
Scripture Lesson: Psalm 23; St. Luke
2, vv. 8-14
Come, children, join to sing (C.H.
Looking upward every day (C.H. 674)
Organist, T. Sommerville
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (2)
Adrienne Cole (soprano): John Brennan (piano); BBC Midland Light Orchestra.
Talk by W. T. Aitken , M.P.
In the course of many extensive travels by air-more than 300,000 miles since the war-Mr. Aitken has observed the growing use of the English language in different parts of the world. He describes some of the incidents that convince him of the value to Britain of this spread of the language.
Regional Variations (2)
'Scottish Life and Letters': miscellany.
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, John Sharpe )
Conductor, Charles Mackerras
Patricia Bartlett (soprano)
Programme presented by John Tylee
Regional Variations (4)
' The Northcountryman.'
' Prospects .: 4-The Vale of Belvoir.
As North
Antony Hopkins discusses some of the music to be broadcast during- the week
Regional Variations (3)
Mary Rowland (mezzo-soprano and Celtic harp): folk songs and carols.
Service from St. Mary's Church. Dundee.
From the Methodist Church, Cambridge Road, Kings Heath, Birmingham. Conducted by the President of the Methodist Conference, the Rev. W. Russell Shearer, and the Minister, the Rev. R. R. Clements
All praise to our redeeming Lord
(M.H.B. 745)
Collect and the Lord's Prayer Lesson: St. John 15. vv. 1-8
The Invitation to the Covenant
An Act of Adoration
An Act of Thanksgiving An Act of Confession
Jesu. Lover of my soul (M.H.B. 110) Sermon by the Rev. W. Russell
Come, let us use the Grace Divine
(M.H.B. 749)
The Covenant
0 Bread to pilgrims given (M.H.B.
Holy Communion
Bread of the world, in mercy broken
(M.H.B. 756)
Behold the servants of the Lord
(M.H.B. 572)
Organist, Leslie White
Regional Variations (6)
Appeal: Restoration of St. Mary's Parish Church, Shroton. Dorset, by Ralph Wightman.
Appeal: Nottinghamshire Old People's Welfare Committee.
Appeal: Trust for Dundee City Churches, by the Lord Provost of Dundee.
Appeal: Victoria Voluntary Homes for Girls. Belfast
Appeal for mentally retarded and physically handicapped children. by the Duke of Devonshire. M.c.
Appeal on behalf of the Orchard Holiday Home by the Rev. Patrick Figgis
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to the Rev. Patrick Figgis , [address removed]
In 1940 a Holiday Home was opened in Mill Hill, North London, to enable people in the East End to be given a rest from wartime conditions. This opportunity was so much appreciated that after the war the Orchard Holiday Home was permanently established in Mill Hill, in order to provide holidays for people, mostly Londoners, who cannot afford ordinary charges--old-age pensioners, disabled workers, families supported by the National Assistance Board, those in receipt of low wages.
People pay according to their means.
£1,700 is required to dear the mortgage on the house.
Episode 1
H. Oldfield Box writes on page 4
Regional Variations (2)
Heritage: Science and medicine.
Written and produced by Arthur Swinson
Pianist. Fred Harries
(The recorded broadcast of Oct. 5 in the North of England Home Service)
See ' Both Sides of the Microphone'
Regional Variations (2)
Daphne Spottiswoode (piano):
Mass in Four Parts
How shall a young man (Psalm 119)
Ave Verum Corpus Come, let us rejoice sung by the Golden Age Singers:
Margaret Field-Hyde (soprano)
Elizabeth Osborn (soprano)
John Whitworth (counter-tenor)
Rene Soames (tenor)
Gordon Clinton (baritone)
Directed by Margaret Field-Hyde
Jesus said : ' I am come that they might have life'
Psalm 121 (Broadcast psalter) Deuteronomy 30, vv. 8-20
Jesu. thou joy of loving hearts (BBC
Hymn Book 323)
St. John 10, v. 10b
late weather forecast for land areas