Bobby Pagan at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conducted by Charles Mackerras
' My Faith and My Job '
Talk by an engineer
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Electrolytic Tinplate by William E. Hoare , F.I.M. of the Tin Research Institute
on gramophone records
Prelude a l'après-midi d'un faune
(Debussy): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Alceo Galliera
Two Bohemian Dances (Smetana, arr.
Byrns) : Polka, The merry chicken-yard; Minuet, The little onion: Harold Byrns Chamber Orchestra, conductor, Harold Byrns
A Pagan Poem (Loeffler): Paris Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Manuel Rosenthal
Behold the amazing gift of love (BBC
Hymn Book 484)
New Every Morning, page 102 Canticle 10 (Broadcast Psatter) St. Matthew 9, vv. 18-31
Let saints on earth in concert sing
(BBC Hymn Book 249)
Michael Freedman and his Orchestra
and his Band with Bob Dale , Jean Campbell and the Leadertones
A personal scrapbook presented by Sam Pollock with gramophone records
with Wilfred Pickles
From St. Mary's Parish Hall
Clibheroe, Lancashire
and forecast for farmers and shipping
with the BBC Show Band directed by Cyril Stapleton
Rikki Fulton
The Stargazers' Music Shop
Songs in Style
Piano Playbox: Bill McGuffie
Can I forget you?
The Memory of an Evergreen
The Vocal Touch: Julie Dawn
Harold Smart at the electric organ
With a Banjo on my Knee
Minstrel Melodies from the Show Band Singers
Script by Bob Monkhouse and Denis Goodwin
Production by Johnnie Stewart
Geoff Love and his Orchestra
Elton Hayes , Jackie Brown
The Tanner Sisters
Eddie Calvert , Ray Burns
Max Bygraves on gramophone records
' Fluff swims for it': a true story by A. W. Rowe , told by David
For Children of Most Ages
' Mister Morgan '
A rather curious state of affairs set down for Children's Hour by C. Gordon Glover
Production by David Davis
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East Enigiand
Geoffrey Wilson, M.P., gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
with Vic Oliver as host and Master of Ceremonies
This week his guests are:
Jeanne de Oasalds
Victonia Ellliott
Jack Train
Leslie Welch
The Western Brothers
Jimmy Young
The George Mitchell Choir
Vaniety Concert Orchestra (Leader, Richard WorraM )
Conducted by Phil.ip Mantell and Vic Oliver
Continuity by Carey Edwards
Production by Tom Ronald
(BEC recondinig)
by W. Somerset Maugham
Adapted for broadcasting by Peggy Wells
Cast in order of speaking:
The year is 1910
Produced by Archie Campbell
This is unfamiliar Maugham, dating from 1910, when the writer of gay Edwardian farces was gradually turning into the wryer, more serious Ashenden. It is called A Tragic Comedy ' but it contains some of the most frankly melodramatic scenes Mr. Maugham ever wrote for the theatre, and in uncharacteristic larger-than-iife monster of a character in the shape of George Winter, originally acted by. Arthur Bourchier. Winter is a Big Businessman of the most ruthless sort, a tycoon who will sacrifice anything and anybody to achieve his ends; now, on the brink of his biggest hut most risky coup, he finds his success threatened by his wife and her family, who have rebelled and intend to expose him. Winter's attitude towards humanity is that nine out of ten men can be bought one way or another: the question is, what wiU happen if he meets the tenth man? This makes a 'strong ' play, with a background of politics and international finance: not, it will be gathered, Mr. Maugham at his most recognisable, but the dialogue is flecked with touches of wit which do in fact identify the author.
Peter Forster