Frank Walker and his Miniature Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' News of Harvest'
Reading from Galatians 5 with comment by the Rev. John Marsh
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Interval Music
Directed by Sidney Crooke with Arthur Richards (baritone)
Jesus, where'er thy people meet (BBC Hymn Book 263)
New Every Morning, page 80
Psalm 11 (Broadcast Psalter)
St. Luke 9, vv. 28-36
Holy Spirit, truth divine (BBC Hymn Book 155)
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
TIME AND TUNE. by Kay Foster
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The Modern Geographer. Searching for Geographical Facts: Professor Frank Debenham. Marjorie Findlay , and Professor Ronald Peel talk about exploration today.
Michael Miles introduces
Sandy Sandford
Professional Protégées
Nevard and Shelley Gladys Hay
Your Favourite Musical Comedy
David Williams
Top of the Bill Robert Moreton
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Trafford Whitelock
and forecast for farmers and shipping
TRAVEL TALKS. The New and the Old. India and her Neighbours. 'Tibet: a country in which change comes slowly.' Script by Tsewang Pemba
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. A series designed to awaken interest in the shape and colour of things around us. In this first broadcast of the year, Anthony Bertram asks the question 'Have you a seeing eye?'
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH "The Golden Fleece", based on a story from "The Heroes" by Charles Kingsley. Adapted for broadcasting by Jean Sutcliffe. 1—: Jason grows up with Cheiron and meets his uncle Pelias. He sets sail with other heroes for Colchis.
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Granville Jones (violin)
by Anthony Trollope
Episode 5
and his Music with Jack Cooper
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
by Rene Cutforth
The British North Greenland Expedition has now spent more than a year at Britannia Lake, 77° North 24° West, its base in East Queen Louise Land. Rene Cutforth introduces recordings he made there last month. (See page 3)
Produced by Peter Duval Smith
by Alistair Cooke
with Maurice Denham and Dora Bryan
BBC Men's Chorus (Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate)
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor. Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano)
Gerald Moore (accompanist)