Scottish C.W.S. Band
Conductor, George Hawkins
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
' Our message concerns that Word who is life '
Bible reading from the first Epistle of St. John, and comment by Father Agnellus Andrew , O.F.M.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Expert advice on topical domestic questions
A programme of gramophone records
Linda Parker (soprano)
Harvey Phillips (cello)
Ethel Lewis was fascinated by a small island off the West of Ireland, and managed at last to land upon it
Gramophone records of his comedy overture ' Scapino ' and of the two ' Façade' suites
Father most holy (BBC Hymn Book
New Every Morning, page 50
Canticle 1, vv. 1-15 (Broadcast psalter) Hebrews 3, vv. 1-14
Teach me, 0 Lord, the perfect way . (BBC Hymn Book 473)
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
A miscellany of records
and his Players
Directed by Ernest Penfold
Regional Variations (2)
Christina Parish (soprano), Harold Britton (piano).
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Gloucestershire v. Worcestershire.
Reports from Britain and overseas
Regional Variations (2)
The Continental Players.
Lunchtime* scoreboard
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Vilem Tausky
A sketch by Norman Edwards
by Derek Benfield
Other parts played by Frank Tickle and Cyril Shaps
Production by Cleland Finn
Regional Variations (4)
As Midland.
Cricket. Further commentary.
Deanamaid Aoradh.
on gramophone records
by Mark Twain
(to be read in twenty instalments)
Reader, Stanley Maxted
18—' Error '
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. Stories. Songs by Harding Memorial School Senior Choir.
For the Younger Ones
'More Tales of Pebblings Village' by Modwena Sedgwick , told by David. 5— 'Plimsoll Otter becomes a Window-Cleaner'
For Older Children
'Ensign Gaff'
A serial play in six parts adapted by Violet M. Methley from her book 'Lydia Gaff'
5—'Ensign Gaff to the Rescue'
Production by Josephine Plummer
'I could have kicked myself! Here was I, Daniel Boone —old hunter, and up to all Indian tricks, you would have thought - falling straight into the trap they had set for me. I'd have sworn it was Jem and Lydia shouting for help—until I ran straight into the middle of a war-party of Cherokees, paint and ponies complete. The leader wasn't a Redskin, he looked near white and wore trappers' clothes like myself. They swarmed round me like wasps, but I put up a fight - knocked out several before they got me tied and helpless.'
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Clifford O. Thomas
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
Listeners' requests introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
Regional Variations (3)
BBC West of England Singers: Shakespeare Settings. 2.
Tetilu Tv Coch: serial.
Talk by the Rev. P. C. W. Eckersley
Mr. Eckersley was until recently Principal of Wesley College, Adelaide, and is at present visiting this country for the Australian Council of Educational Research.
In this talk he tells us something of the Keiiper Industrial Colony in South Australia, founded by his friend Samuel Forsyth to deal wiph the unemployment problem which hit Australia between two wars. The Institution is government supported but has throughout been run by the Metihodistts of South Australia.
Regional Variations (2)
Cornel Y Lienor.
Script by Godfrey Harrison
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
See top of page
Part 1
Tickets may be obtained from the Royal Albert Hall or usual agents
Part 2
Regional Variations (3)
' Pancakes,' a comedy by D. T. Davies.
' Ruby Rob.' the fighting life of Bob Fitzsimmons, the only British Heavyweight Champion of the World.
with Line Renaud
Introduced by Wilfrid Thomas
Accompanied by Pierre Guillermin and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Association Football: reports of tonight's ' A ' and ' B ' Division Scottish League Cup-ties.
Gladys Young assisted by Cyril Shaps in a reading from
'Cranford' by Mrs. Gaskell Produced by Raymond Raikes