Steve Race introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
Gerry Moore ait the piano
and his Players
and his Rumba Band with Esteban, Miguel Delgado
Francisco Icaaa , and the Song Pedtlars
(Leader, Ronald Good)
Conductor, Leighton Lucas
A programme for children under five
Woman's Hour becomes Everybody's Hour
In this programme for the holiday season you hear:
'At the Villa Rose,' a novel by A.E.W. Mason. Abridged by Audrey Lucas. Read in serial form by David Garth
'I Like This': records chosen by a Woman's Hour personality
This week, Ruth Drew
'Old Folks' Corner': a place of their own for the over sixty-fives
Presented by Stuart Hibberd and Richard Tatlock
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
The Entr'acte Players
Directed by Sidney Crooke with Luis Gomila (tenor)
at the BBC theatre organ
Joseph Muscant and his Orchestra
(Leader, J. Mouliand Begbie )
Conductor, Iain Whyte
at the BBC theatre organ
and his Orchestra with Annette Klooger and Brian Clarke
including cricket close of play scores
with Max Wall the guest star and Doreen Harris
Nat Gonella
Bobby Collins
The Four Barrow Boys
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Produced by George Inns
A radio diversion for the whole family
Informally introduced by Rex Palmer
This week you meet:
Betty Marsden
Robb Wilton In
' Councillor Muddlecombe, J.P.'
Bransby Williams
' Midge's Choice'
Wilson Midgley talks about new books he has enjoyed reading and Molly Rankin , Edana Romney
Denise Bryer. Warren Stanhope
Harold Reese , David Spenser and Charles E. Stidwill present scenes from them
Leisure Serenade with Patricia Baird
A Wandering Minstrel with John Cameron and Alan Paul at the piano
Max Jaffa and the Leisure Hour Players provide the music
Incidental music composed by Alan Paul
Production by Alfred Dunning and Richard Keen
(Beuy Marsden is appearing in 'Airs On A Shoestring at the Royal Court Theatre, Sloane Square, London)
An evening at the seaside with some of the artists appearing on the West-Lancashire coast
This week's artists in order of broadcasting:
Jean Campbell
' From the Show Band '
Joe Black
' Yorkshire's New Comedian'
An unknown singer who is ' On Holiday Here'
Harry Secombe
' One of the Goons '
Eddie Calvert
'The Golden Trumpet'
Dave Morris
' Blackpool's Unofficial Guide ' with ' Cedric the Tripper '
-Joe Gladwin
Les Compagnons de la Chanson
' The Jimmy Brown Boys '
Reg Dixon
'Confidentially' Reginald Dixon
' Beside the Seaside '
Introduced by Jack Watson
Northern Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth Produced by Philip Robinson
and his Orchestra with Patti Forbes
Kenny Bardell
Gordon Langhorn and the Mackpies
' Captain Jan ' by Jan de Hartog
(to be read in fifteen instalments)
Reader, Eric Phillips
3—'The First Homecoming'
Twentieth Century Serenaders
(Leader, Max Jaffa )
Conducted by Monia Liter