Reginald Foxwell at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Talks by C. A. Joyce , Headmaster of the Cotswold School, Ashton Keynes , near Swindon
6 — ' Thank God
and forecast for farmers and shipping
at the BBC theatre organ
by Lucille Iremonger
This is the story of a counterfeit doubloon and of the unfortunate clergyman who minted it in the cause of true love in old Jamaica two hundred years ago.
Gramophone records of extracts from Carmen
0 for a thousand tongues to sing
(BBC Hymn Book 278)
New Every Morning, page 41
Psalm 119, pant 4 (Broadcast psalter) Titus 2. v. 11, to 3, v. 7
0 God. give ear unto my cry (BBC
Hymn Book 466)
Harry Leader and his Band
A programme of gramophone records
(Recording of Sunday's broadcast in the Light Programme)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
' Union Pacific '
Episode 8
Paul Carpenter as ' Jeff Arnold '
Charles Irwin as ' Luke ' Carole Carr. Bob Mallin
Macdonald Parke. Alan Keith
Guy Kingsley Poyn. ter, Reed de Rouen and ' Rusftler '
Music by the Four Ramblers
Freddie Phillips
The Sons of the Saddle led by Jack Fallon
Written and produced by Charles Chilton
on gramophone records
Lunchtime scoreboard
and his Orchestra with Jean Campbell and David Carey
on the Serpentine .
(Organised by the News of the World)
Commentary by John Snagge on some of the finals
with Maurice Denham and Dom Brytan
BBC Men's Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate)
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
Shipping and general weather forecasts followed bv a detailed forecast for South-East England
Newcomer to Nigeria by Wynford Vaughan Thomas
The speaker returned home by way of Nigeria, in West Africa, from his recent tour of Southern Rhodesia. He describes some of the impressions of Nigeria he formed during his brief visit.
with Vic Oliver as host and master of ceremonies who each week invites stars from all branches of the entertainment world
This week his guests are:
Victoria Campbell
Joe Davis
Michael Denison and Dulcie Gray
Maudie Edwards
Joyce Grenfell
Jack Watson
Gerald Young
The George Mitchell Choir
The Variety Playhouse Orchestra
Conducted by Philip Martell and Vic Oliver
Continuity by Carey Edwards
Production by Tom Ronald
A play for broadcasting by Howieson Culff
Derived from the novel by Robert Hichens and the play by James Bernard Fagan
Cast in order of speaking:
Produced by Archie Campbell