Rushden Temperance Band
Conductor, William A. Scholes
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Jesus and his Sacrifice
3—' The Blood of the Covenant '
Readings from St. Mark 14, with comment, by the Rev. E. H. Robertson
and forecast for farmers and shipping
The Spring Clean by Ruth Drew
1 — ' Plan of Campaign '
Ivor Slaney and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Wilfred Brown (tenor)
Elena Kudian (piano)
by Joseph Harsch
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
Blest be the everlasting God (BBC
'Hymn Book 486)
New Every Morning, page 29 Psalm 57 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 22. vv. 1-14
Jerusalem the golden (BBC Hymn
Book 248)
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
Regional Variations (2)
I'r Ysgolion: Storiau.
music AND MOVEMENT ii, by Marjorie Eele
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. Emission par une pensonnalité francaise: L'Abbe Breuil nous parlera de la Grotte de Lascaux. Introduction par Rene Leplat.
Gramophone records presented by Jack Watson
Regional Variations (2)
Doris Waller (soprano); Vera Crawford-Phillips (piano).
with Betty Astell
Bob Monkhouse
Denis Goodwin
Bob Sharpies and his Music and a few surprises
Thp. show written by Bob Monkhouse and Denis Goodwin
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
Regional Variations (2)
Harry Evans' Septette Intime.
Regional Variations (3)
Schools. Scottish Heritage:] Songs of the kitchen.
Schools: first stages in Welsh.
FOR COUNTRY SCHOOLS. Topical Programme. Script by Henry Marshall
2.20 GEOGRAPHY. Life and Work in Western Europe. Chunton Faiirman describes a visit to Quintanarraya, a village in Old Castile
2.40 ADVENTURES IN English. 'The Tailor and the Bogle': a story by Leila Davies
A play for broadcasting by Pamela Gray
Pianist, Arthur Dulay
Produced by David H. Godfrey
Regional Variations (3)
Soprano, tenor, and violin.
Soprano, tenor, and piano.
Polonaise in D minor, Op. 71 No. 1
Ballade No. 1 in G minor. Op. 23 (Chopin)
Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 6 No. 2 (Chopin)
Syrinx for solo flute (Debussy)
Sonatine for flute and piano (1922) (Milhaud): with Robert Veyron-
Lacroix (piano) on gramophone records
Regional Variations (4)
Deanamaid Aoradh.
'A gale in the North Sea ;] story by Frank Danson.
As North.
Southampton to Bordeaux
Frank Gillard describes a routine voyage down Channel to the Bay of Biscay of the cargo boat on which he sailed last autumn. He introduces recordings made on board during the two-day voyage
Produced by Brandon Acton-Bond
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour: travel talk.
Children: Table Tennis.
Children's Hour. Story.
' The Sausage, Fern, and Pie Shop': a story by Julia Clarke , told by Jo 5.15 Regional Round
Join with children all over the country to answer questions concocted by Geoffrey Dearmer and posed by David
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. R. T. Brooks
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News. sport
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey
Regional Variations (2)
Wales at Westminster by David Llewelyn, m.p.
by Tom Stephenson
Tom Stephenson, a member of the National Parks Commission and Secretary of the Ramblers' Association, talks about the long campaign to give the public the right to walk on mountains, moors, cliffs, and shores which began with a Bill in Parliament in 1888 and culminated in the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949.
Regional Variations (3)
Gwin y Gwanwyn: Welsh light programme.
Talking Sport.
Highlights of the Show World
Stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, with the BBC Revue Orchestra
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Regional Variations (3)
Wiltshire through the Eyes of Cobbett and Aubery': talk by Christopher Hollis, m.p.
Talk on the villages of County Fermanagh
Children in Trouble by lain Colquhoun
The speaker describes Liverpool's Juvenile Liaison Service, which is doing admirable work in the prevention of crime among young people. The men and women whose job this is are individualists, bring-i ng sympathetic, human feeling to their work and calling on parents, headmasters, and employers to help in their crusade agains-t crime.
Regional Variations (3)
The McFlannels.'
' The Al Read Show.'
Part 1
Regional Variations (3)
A patchwork of Scottish programmes. 1923-1953.
' Mr. Small's Book': the life of a Black Country journalist.
Part 2
Regional Variations (3)
BBC N. Ireland Quiz Team at Castlerock, Co. Derry.
Sermon (in Welsh), by the. Vicar Pritchard.
A series of unscripted interviews with well-known people
2-Sir Thomas Beecham, Bt.