Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Southern Serenade Orchestra
Directed by Lou Whiteson
Talk by the Rev. George Snow
' Hallowed be thy Name '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Ella Cheshire (soprano)
Philip Moore (accompanist)
Jean Stewart (viola) Josephine Lee (piano)
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT ii, by Marjorie Eele
0 love, how deep, how broad, how high (BBC Hymn. Book 73)
New Every Morning, page 11
Psalm 103, w. 1-12 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 20, w. 1-16
The Lord's my Shepherd (BBC Hynm
Book 480)
Anton and his Orchestra
RHYTHM AND MELODY, by Gladys Whitred
11.20 SCIENCE AND THE COMMUNITY. Science helps the Doctor. 8-' Chemicals to kill Pain.' The story of anaesthetics. by Richard Palmer.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. Der Vetter aus England. Familie Bodemstedlt bekommt Besuch. Es ist Robert Bodenstedt , der Neffe von Dr, Bodenstedit ur.d Vetter von. Franz und Liese. Der junge Mann isit in England , aufgewachsen und es gibt in Deutschland vielee, an das er sich erst gewöhnen. muss. Manuskript von Hilde Maria Kraus.
from an asbestos works at Hindley Green
with Leon Cortez, Olga Gwynne, Hal Garner, The Hedley Ward Trio
Fred Harries at the piano
Presented by Philip Robinson
and forecast for farmers and shipping
NATURE STUDY. ' The House-Fly,' by Scott Kennedy
2.16 THE music box, by Gordon Reynolds
2.26 HISTORY II. The Chartists. Scr.ipt by June Hodge
2.50 STORIES AND RHYMES. ' The Barley Reel' by H. N. May. Adapted for bnoadcasMng by Elizabeth A. Tayilor
Presented, with gramophone records by Norman Demuth
2-' In the Chateau of Versailles '
by Gordon Daviot
[Starring] John Gielgud
Music by Herbent Menges
Conducted by the composer
Adaptation and production by John Richmond
Shipping and general weather forecasts followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Growing Sugar Beet
Talk by Oswald Rose
The speaker is a specialist in sugar beet growing, and is Agricultural Development Officer of the British Sugar Corporation. He mentions some of the recent developments in the cultivation and harvesting of sugar beet.
with Kitty Bluett
Peter Sellers , Patricia Hayes
Patricia Gilbert , Charles Hawtrey
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulheit
Script by Eddlie Maguire
George Wadmore and Ted Ray
Produced by George Inns