Barrow Shipyard Band
Conductor, Herbert Sutcliffe
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Talks by a District Nurse
' The Cost of Living '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Ruth Drew
Ivor Slaney and his Orchestra
Mary Hamlin (soprano)
Eileen Croxford (cello)
Development by Partnership in the Sudan by Arthur Gaitskell , c.M.G.
Records of his
Symphony No. 83 (The Hen)
Lord, as to thy dear Cross we flee
(BBC Hymn Book 293)
New Every Morning, page 72 Psalm 142 (Broadcast Psalter) Ephesians 2. vv. 1-10
Not for our sins alone (BBC Hymn
Book 345)
The Robin Richmond Trio
Jan van der Gucht (tenor) Nona Liddell
'Tom Sawyer ' by Mark Twain
Abridged and read by Stanley Maxted
Third instalment
at the BBC theatre organ
Gramophone records
Presented by Jack Watson
(Jack Watson is in ' Rooftop Rendezvous ' at the Dolphin Theatre, Brighton)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
and his Samba Orchestra
Lunchtime scoreboard
Overture, The Impresario (Mozart):
Radio Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Mauritz van der Berg
Suite. Masques et Bergamasques
(Fauri): Radio Chamber Orchestra. conducted by Mauritz van der Berg
Concerto for two violins and orchestra in D minor (Bach): Jaap Schroder and Erwin Sandor. with the Radio Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Mauritz van der Berg
Three Dance Interludes (Ballet.
Rodeo) (Copland): Dallas Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Antal Dorati
(Recordings made available bv courtesy ot Nederlandsche Radio-Unie and Voice of America)
A play by Muriel Jaeger
Produced by Frederick Bradnum
by Elizabeth Jenkins Read by Helen Burns
Twelfth of fifteen weekly instalments
' The Penalty ': a story by H. Mortimer Batten , told by Derek McCulloch
or ' Up a Tree ' by Irene de Selincourt
Production by Josephine Plummer
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. John Radford
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Highlights of the Show World
Stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, with the augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Acts 1 and 2 Harold Rutland writes on page 6
Act 3
Presented on records by Denis Preston