Michaeloff and his Mazurka Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, William Mclnulty )
Conductor. David Curry
A talk by Hugh Redwood
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Dora Hanes (contralto)
Magda Longari (piano)
George Scurfield describes the work of a part-time postman and his place in the life of the village
' The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra' by Britten and some of Purcell's instrumental music on gramophone records
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
George Armitage (tenor)
Arthur Hedges (flute)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
A musical drama of the west
Episode 1 (fifth series) with Alan Keith. Macdonald Parke
Guy Kingsley Poynter , Reed de Rouen and Betsey Lewis
Music by the Four Ramblers
Freddie Phillips and the Sons of the Saddle led by Jack Fallon
Written and produced by Charles Chilton
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Lunchtime scoreboard
Cyril Chapman (clarinet)
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
from Canterbury Cathedral
Versicles and Responses (Morley)
Psalm 80
First Lesson: 1 Kings 8, v. 54, to 9, v. 9
Magnificat (Plainsong tone IV, with fauxbourdons by C. E. S. Littlejohn)
Second Lesson: St. Mark 8, vv. 1-26
Nunc dimittis (Plainsong tone III, with fauxbourdons by C. E. S. Littlejohn)
Creed. Suffrages. Collects
Anthem: O gladsome light (Harold Darke) (words in E.H. 269)
O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace (A. and M. 208)
Organist: Gerald H. Knight
from Austria played by the RAVAG Grand Orchestra
Conducted by Max Schonherr
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
British Shipping:
How do we stand? by Roland Thornton
The maiden voyage of the new American transatlantic liner the United States gives rise to questions of shipping policy that are of great importance to Britain as the leading maritime nation. The glamour of big passenger vessels and fashionable traffic is only one aspect of an industry whose health depends upon the efficient operation of an immense Beet of vessels of diverse type and function. In this talk current trends are reviewed by Roland Thornton, a partner in a Liverpool shipping firm and author of ' British Shipping.'
Sonata No. 2, in E played by Winifred Roberts (violin) and Geraint Jones (harpsichord)