Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenouthet
' Sermons In Stones '
Talk by the Rev. J. H. Withers , Minister of Fisherwick Presby terian Church, Belfast
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Maureen Springer (soprano)
Joan Dickson (cello)
A talk by John Llewellyn
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT II, by Marjorie Eele.
To be repeated tomorrow at 11.0 a.m.
Be thou my guardian and my guide
(A. and M. 282: S.P. 100)
New Every Morning, page 76 Psalm 130 (Broadcast psalter) Acts 9. vv. 19b-31
Through all the changing scenes of life (A. and M. 290: S.P. 677)
Falkman and his Apache Band
Health at Home and at Work. ' The Story of a Vitamin.' Script by F. Le Gros Clark
11.40 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN. ' Dr. Bodenstedt hat Geburtstag.' Text von Hedwig Brookes
Bodenstedts feiern heute Vaters Geburtstag. Es ist Franz und Liese schliesslich gelungen, passende Geschenke zu flnden. Ob Franz beim Festessen wohl eine Geburtstagsrede halten wird?
from an oil and cake mill at Hull
with Mooney and King, Sylvia Marriott and Douglas Taylor, Leslie Adams, Eric Easton
Fred Harries at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Introduced by Leslie Mitchell
This week's edition includes the following recorded items:
Catherine de la Roche reports on the International Film Festival at Cannes
Woman Angle: Jeanne Heal interviews hairdresser Phyllis Edwards
Hullo Hollywood: Coleen Gray
Excerpts from the sound-track of MGM's production 'Father's Little Dividend,' starring Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, and Elizabeth Taylor
Script written by Michael Storm
Produced by Pat Osborne
NATURE STUDY. Tails,' by Philip Eggleton
2.15 HISTORY ii. The Opening Up of Africa. ' Sir Samuel Baker and the Slave Trade.' Script by Elspeth Huxley
The Deserted House,' a short poem by Mary Coleridge ; and ' The Cottage by the Sea,' a story by Ruth Ainsworth
3 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' Morte d'Arthur,' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
by Charles Dickens
6—' Concerning Mr. Pickwick's experiences in the Fleet '
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, Charles Groves
Anthony Pini (cello)
Geoffrey Grigson talks of Mediterranean light and colour and their first impact on a Northerner
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Acts 1 and 2 Hubert Foss writes on page 9
Act 3
Act 4
Another performance: next Monday (Third)
The Cosmic Radiation
Second of a short series of talks by C. F. Powell , F.R.S. Professor of Physics in the University of Bristol
In this talk Professor Powell deals with the problem of flight at extreme altitudes, and with the construction of the great balloon whose launching and flight will be the main feature of the broadcast in this series on May 24.