Band of the 3rd Carabiniers
(Prince of Wales' Dragoon Guards)
Conductor, Mr. Frank E. Taylor
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
'The Security of a Christian Man'
Readings by the Rev. E. H. Robertson from a paraphrase of Ephesians 1 and 2
and forecast for farmers and shipping
with Bernard Braden , Barbara Kelly
Benny Lee and Pearl Carr
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Production by Pat Dixon
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, David Paget )
Conductor, Robert Busby
and his Orchestra
Directed by Henry Krein
Oh, what the joy and the glory must be (A. and M. 235; S.P. 200)
New Every Morning, page 102 Canticle 10 (Broadcast Psaiter) St. Mark 11. vv. 27-33
How bright these glorious spirits shine! (A. and M. 438; S.P. 207)
Van Dam and his Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Frederick Grinke (violin)
visits Runcorn, an industrial town in Cheshire
Musical illustrations provided by Violet Carson
Presented by Barney Colehan
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened recorded version of last Sunday's broadcast in the Light Programme)
' The Mare's Egg,' story by Eileen Molony , told by Andrew Sparkes followed by ' The Great Attraction '
A new adventure of Norman and Henry Bones , the boy detectives, written for Children's Hour by Anthony C. Wilson
Production by Josephine Plummer
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
The Rt. Hon. Florence Horabrugh. C.B.E., M.P., gives her impressions of what she heard and saw in Parliament
with Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss
Harry Lester and his Hayseeds
Jean Kennedy
Marie Burke
Bonar Colleano
After the Intermission:
Sonny Farrar
The Hastings Girls' Choir
Peter Cavanagh
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black
Produced by Bill Worsley
by Norman Ginsbury and Maurice Moiseiwitsch
Adapted for broadcasting by Norman Ginsbury and Peggy Wells
Produced by Charles Lefeaux