Band of the Life Guards
Conducted by Major A. Lemoine
Director of Music
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Australia v. England
A report on the second day's play
Rex Alston writes on page 6
A gramophone miscellany
by the Bishop of Lichfield
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Australia v. England
Summary of the second day's play by E. W. Swanton, cricket correspondent of the Daily Telegraph
From Brisbane Cricket Ground
Rex Alston writes on page 6
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Robert Busby
and her All Girls Orchestra
9-Scottish Finals
Robert- Gordon's College,
Aberdeen (Boys) v. Dollar Academy
Clackmannanshire (Boys)
David Wolfsthal plays popular light pieces written or transcribed for the violin
Jesus, where'er thy people meet
(A. and M. 529; S.P. 551)
New Every Morndng, page 83 Psalm 50 Isaiah 45, vv. 9-12 and 18-25 Soldiers of Christ, arise! (A. and M.
270; S.P. 641)
Joseph Muscant and his Orchestra
Conductor, Mansel Thomas
Marjorie Thomas (contralto)
visits Jarrow an industrial town on Tyneside
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened version of last Sunday's broadcast in the Light Programme)
Listeners' requests introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
A play for radio by Helen Barrett
Cast in order of speaking:
Produced by Wilfrid Grantham
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-east England
J. Enoch Powell , M.P., gives his impressions of wha.t he heard and saw in Parliament
Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss
Felix Mendelssohn and his Hawaiian Serenaders
Billy Uke ' Scott
Avril Angers
Issy Bonn
Nat Mills ar.d Bobbie
Luton Girls' Choir
Charlie Chester
Augmented BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Bill Worsley
A love sitory by John van Druten
Radio adaptation and production by Raymond Raikes
Characters in order of speaking: