Enfield Central Band
Conductor, W. Haydn Bebb
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Reading and comment on Psalm 8, by the Rev. Ronald Falconer
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by Marjorie Huxley
(BBC recording)
Lew Stone and his Orchestra
Percy Bilsbury (tenor)
Paul Cropper (viola)
A doctor gives a second talk on this subject
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
10.5 News commentary
Beloved. let us love: love is of God
(A. and M. 703)
New Every Morning, page 93 Psalm 119 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 7, vv. 18-35
For the beauty of the earth (A. and M. 663; S.P. 494)
The Skyrockets Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Andrews
Regional Variations (2)
For Scottish Schools: Physical Training.
GENERAL SCIENCE. Strange Ways of Life. 3-' Bats,' by Alan Dale
' Monsieur Ie Préfet': evocation de quelques scenes dans la vie officielle du chef de I'administration d'un des departements frangais. Texte de Pierre Durel
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Yorkshire v. the West Indians: commentary by Peter West.
Billy Cotton and his Band
Regional Variations (3)
Kenwin Barton (baritone): Ronald Paul (piano).
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
Lunchtime scoreboard
Regional Variations (3)
For Scottish Schools: Scottish Heritage.
For Welsh Schools: First Stages in Welsh.
LIVING IN THE COUNTRY. ' The Bakery.' Script by Ernest Kershaw
2.20 GEOGRAPHY. Man and Climate. ' Central Siberia': a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters
2.40 JUNIOR ENGLISH. ' Sea-People': a poetry programme, including Sam ' by Walter de la Mare and ' The Forsaken Mer-man' by Matthew Arnold
by Peter Fleming
Adapted for broadcasting by Jon Manchip White
(Continued in next column)
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket. Yorkshire v. the West Indians: commentary by Peter West.
by Peter Fleming
Adapted for broadcasting by Jon Manchip White
Plays produced by David H. Godfrey
Regional Variations (3)
Service in Gaelic.
Ronald Wakely (piano).
Gordon Clinton (baritone)
Clifton Helliwell (accompanist)
Ronald Smith (piano)
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson , Jack Train , and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions, and Kenneth Home knows some of the answers
Regional Variations (6)
Children's Hour.
Children's Hour.
Children's Hour.
Children's Hour
Children's Hour.
' Tony and the Burglar': a story by Honor Daplyn, told by Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac)
Songs by Esther Salaman
5.30 Children's
Country Dance Party with J. Clifford-Smith (melodeon)
Nan Fleming-Williams (violin)
Sam Mason (piano) and the Birmingham Square Dance Band
Introduced by Sibyl Clark with Kenneth Clark as guest caller
This programme, the last of the present series of Country Dance Parties, revives memories of other parties. American play-party games and square dances rub shoulders with English country dances. The English contribution includes a folk song and two Morris dances, the latter danced by boys from Ryland Road Secondary Modern School, Birmingham. The country dancers are also from a Birmingham school, Aston Commercial School.
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
and forecast for_farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News. sport
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
West Regional Magazine.
and Neville Williams
' Sweet airs that give delight'
Accompanied by the Frank Cordell Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Percy Coates )
Introduced by Joy Worth
Produced by Douglas Moodie
Regional Variations (3)
West-Country Quartet.
Talk: ' Christian Standards.'
A special edition in which James Fisher and Ludwig Koch discuss the . subject of bird dialect, illustrated by the chaffinch
Regional Variations (2)
Ein Pentre Ni: Cydiweli.
Highlights of the Show World
You are invited to listen to stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, and the music of the orchestra
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
Regional Variations (2)
Listeners' questions and problems.
by Larry Lesueur , United Nations correspondent of the Columbia Broadcasting System
Yehudi Menuhin (violin)
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, George Stratton )
Conducted by Rafael Kubelik
8.20 app. Violin Concerto in D.Brahms
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
It is some time since Yehudi Menuhin was heard playing a concerto over the air in this country. He was due to do so last January, at the Royal Albert Hall concert in aid of the Elgar Memorial Trust, but coming from America he was delayed by fog, and although he arrived in time to play two concertos, his performance could not be broadcast. A few days later he was heard giving, with Louis Kentner , the first performance of the Violin Sonata written for him by William Walton.
Since tonight's concert is given by the Henry Wood Concert Society, it is worth recalling that in 1938 Sir Henry conducted the orchestra at an Albert Hall concert when Menuhin, who was then twenty-one years old, played three concertos, among them the one by Brahms that he is playing tonight. Recalling the occasion in his autobiography, Sir Henry Wood said: ' Menuhin's is a masterly control, and his tone faultlessly beautiful. No effort or playing to the gallery; no cheap effects or " Paganini-swishes " of the bow; everything sedate and stately, as befitting the great artist he is. I found him charming -and so knowledgeable: he knew every note of the scores just as did Ysaye.'
Harold Rutland
in honour of The Honble. Dean Acheson
Secretary of State of the United States of America
Speeches by The Chairman of the Pilgrims of Great Britain
Sir Campbell Stuart ,
G.C.M.G., K.B.E.
The Prime Minister'
The Rt. Hon.
Clement R. Attlee , C.H., M.P.
The Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords
The Marquess of Salisbury
K.G., P.C.
Secretary of State of. the United States of America
The Honble. Dean Acheson
From the Savoy Hotel, London
Regional Variations (7)
Arts Magazine.
Report on the West-Country Writers' Conference.
Shirley Hall (soprano).
' Mr. Pratt's Waterloo': a comedy by Val Gielgud and Philip Wade.
Discussion on female labour in modern industry.
Extracts from play, 'Edward my Son.'
The self-examination of an ex-sniper
Written and narrated by Alan Crawley with Larry Noble , Derek Birch Eric Francis , John Clifford
Oliver Burt. Robert Cawdron
Tony van den Burgh , Noel Dryden
Dennis Vance. Nigel Kneale and John Sharp
Produced by Maurice Brown
Lilian Duff introduces gramophone records of Carlo Buti