David Java and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Band of H.M. Royal Marines
Conducted by Captain R. H. Stoner.
Director of Music
A talk by Canon S. E. Swann , of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Gramophone records of Rossini's Overture ' The Thieving Magpie,' Bizet's ' Carmen' Suite, and Tchai kovsky 's Italian Caprice
and his Sextet
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (A. and M. 657; S.P. 626, omitting v. 4: C.H. 22, omitting v. 4: Tune, Lobe den Herren)
Interlude: 'The Resurrection'
Prayers: the Prayer of Praise; the Lord's Prayer
The King of love my Shepherd is (A. and M. 197; S.P. 654; C.H. 438: Tune, Dominus regit me)
Overture: 'The Wasps ' on gramophone records
News commentary
0 thou in all thy might so far; N.E.M. 37; Psalm 3; St. Luke 18; Lead us. heavenly Father
Troise and his Banjoliers
Music and Movement for Infants
by Ann Driver
11.20 History I: The Duke of Marlborough and the French Wars
Script by Penelope Knox
11.40 Off the Syllabus
Charles I and Cromwell in contemporary prose and verse.
Script by C. V. Wedgwood
Ralph Wilson and his Dance Orchestra
from a canteen in Skewen, near Neath, with Jean Melville at the piano.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Music of the British Isles
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II.' Green Hell.' Julian Duguid , the explorer, tells how he wrote his book of travel
from Lancaster Priory
Introit: Let thy merciful ears
Versicles and Responses Psalms 126 and 127 First Lesson: Joshua 4. vv. 1-10
Magnificat (Healey Willan in E flat) Second Lesson: Acts 22, v. 23 to 23, v. 11
' Nunc dimittis (Healey Willan in D fiat)
Creed and Collects
Anthem: O thou, the central orb
(Charles Wood )
Organist, Alan Stephenson
by Clifton Utley.
' Black Beauty,' by Anna Sewell , told as a serial story by ' David'
17 —' The Sunday Cab '
5.15 'Fallada! Fallada!'
A play. by Barbara Sleigh based on a Grimms' fairy tale v
Produced by David Davis
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Sport and topical talk
Regional Variations (2)
Dvordk (records).
Records of his overtures
' Carnival,' and ' Amid Nature '
Regional Variations (3)
' Progress of a Mimic': talk by Ian Sadler.
' Tribute to a Miner': prose portrait by Florence Humphreys.
An illustrated talk, by Ian Sadler
Regional Variations (4)
(on 285.7 m.) Discussion: ' Bringing it Home-Crockery.'
' Ignorance is Bliss.'
As North
Stewart MacPherson asks all the questions, and Harold Berens , Gladys Hay , and Michael Moore know none of the answers
Musical indiscretions by Albert and Les Ward; and Mynheer Hal Evans and the Foulharmonic Orchestra
Script by Sid Colin
Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (6)
' Variety Pie.'
Sportsman's Club visits Fartown and Birkbv Liberal Club.
Kendall Taylor (piano); BBC Theatre Orchestra.
Robert Groves (organ).
Llyfr Cyfrifon y Clwb Claf: sgwrs gan William Thomas.
Kendall Taylor (piano)
BBC Theatre Orchestra (Leader, Alfred Barker )
Conductor, Walter Goehr
(Continued in next column)
(first performance in England)
Given before an invited audience
Regional Variations (3)
' Hulbert House.'
Cliff Gordon's ' Open House.'
with Claude Hulbert
The George Mitchell Choir
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black
Script by Max Kester and Jack Hulbert
Production by Tom Ronald
A weekly survey of Britain's production effort
Edited and produced by W. Farquharson Small
Regional Variations (4)
Laurance Turner (violin): BBC Northern Orchestra: Moeran's Violin Concerto.
Fanfare: Variety in the North.
Noson Lawen.
Violin Concerto played by Laurance Turner and the BBC Northern Orchestra
Conductor, Charles Groves
The programme includes ' Serenade to Music ' by Vaughan Williams
I-The Rediscovery of the Bible
A talk by the Rev. John Marsh , D.Phil., of Mansfield College, Oxford