Gramophone records
7.10 General Weather Forecast and forecast for farmers and shipping
on gramophone records
Devotional readings and prayers
8.10 General Weather Forecast and forecast for farmers and shipping
' Make Your Own Hat Block,' by Zita Dundas
Played by the Richard Crean Orchestra.
Mixed choice of records, including Grieg's Homage March, played by the Halle Orchestra. conducted by Constant Lambert
Gramophone records of movements from his symphonies
from page 97 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 36 of ' Each Returning Day.' Come, thou Holv Spirit, come; Psalm 139, w. 1-11; I John 3, vv. 1-9; Our blest Redeemer
Band of the Royal Artillery (Woolwich), conducted by Captain 0. W. Geary , M.B.E., Director of Music, Royal Artillery
Music of the Sunny South, played by the Southern Serenade Orchestra, directed by Reg. Leopold
Variations on a Theme by Handel: Egon Petri (piano). An die Nachtigall (To the Nightingale): Erinnerung (Remembrance); Vergebli'ches Standchen (The Vain Serenade): Alexander Kipnis (bass). Gramophone records
and his Band, with Harry Davis
Ambrose and his Orchestra, with the songs of Anne Shelton. Presented by Jacques Brown.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra play old-time dance music and Margaret Eaves entertains with old-time ballads. At the piano, Berkeley Mason. Programme introduced by Patric Curwen. Master of Ceremonies, A. J. Latimer. Producer, Stanton Jefferies.
played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra: on gramophone records
Suite: The Faithful Shepherd (Handel -Beecham): conducted by -Sir Thomas Beecham , Bart.
Excerpts from The Good-Humoured Ladies (Scarlatti—Tommasini): conducted by Eugene Goossens
with the BBC Midland Light Orchestra: conductor, Rae Jenkins. (BBC recording)
plays his Organ Sonata in A minor From St. George's Chapel, Windsor
and his Players
Records chosen by listeners
Introduced by Lionel Gamlin. Today's edition: ' Ghosts '
B. C. Hilliam (' Flotsam '), with Ivor Dennis at a second piano, presides over the following' Follies': Beryl Orde , Clapham and Dwyer, Helen Clare , Charmian Innes (by permission of the Windmill Theatre), George James , and Morgan Davies. Produced by Tom Ronald.
'Three Puppies,' a story for younger listeners by Beatrice Mayor
Recorded excerpts from a Children's Christmas Party, organised by the ' Daily Mirror,' and held at His Majesty's Theatre before an audience of children whose fathers will be overseas at Christmas. Introduced by Derek Mc -Culloch ('Mac')
5.45 Eric Gillett tells you of films to see during the Christmas holidays
6.10 General Weather Forecast and forecast for farmers and shipping
6.13 app. Sport, topical talks, and announcements
New and recent fiction, reviewed by Geoffrey Grigson
Symphony No. 4, in F minor played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Ian Whyte
and his Orchestra, with Sally Douglas , Carole Carr , Archie Lewis , Dick James , and Three Boys and a Girl
George Betton, Laelia Finneberg, Walter Niblo, George Van Dusen, Caryll and Mundy, Betty Hobbs's Happytappers. BBC Revue Chorus. Percival Mackey's Orchestra. Produced and conducted by Ernest Longstaffe.
Play by Cecilia Hill , produced by Hugh Stewart
Other parts played by members of the BBC Repertory Company
Quartet in B flat (Op. 67) played by the Griller String Quartet
8—' Blindfold Bridge.' A hand of bridge bid and played entirely from memory without sight of the cards. Players: Graham Mathieson and Mrs. Rika Markus ; Joel Tarlo and Guy Ramsey. Programme introduced by Stewart MacPherson. Commentator, Terence Reese
Music In the Hawaiian style, with Felix Mendelssohn 's Hawaiian Serenaders, George Elliott and his Spanish guitar, and songs by George Barclay