Gramophone records
7.10 General Weather Forecast and forecast for farmers and shipping
John Blore and his Orchestra. (BBC recording)
Talk by the Rt. Rev. Edward Woods. Bishop of Lichfleld
8.10 General Weather Forecast and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by ' The Radio Doctor '
Gramophone records of Anne Ziegler and Webster Booth
at the theatre organ
While shepherds watch'd their flocks (A. and M. 62; S.P. 82; C.H. 42: Tune, Winchester Old)
Prayers: The Prayer for Home; the Lord's Prayer
Once in royal David's city (A. and M. 329. vv. 1, 2, and 5; S.P. 368, vv. 1, 2, and 5: C.H. 69, vv. 1, 2, and 5: Tune, Irby)
Gramophone records of ' The Bard.' ' En Saga.' and ' Finlandia '
News commentary
from page 41 of 'New Every Morning ' and page 20 of ' Each Returning Day.' Father most holy, merciful and tender; Psalm 103, vv. 1-13; Philippians 1, vv. 12-21; Glorious things of thee are spoken
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
FOR UNDER-SEVENS: Let's join in-the Nativity play. Arranged for broadcasting by Jean Sutcfiffe. Music by Ann Driver
11.20 WHEN WE STARTED WORK. Summing-up talk by Margery Fry. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. ' Local Government at work on the Housing Question,' by Dr. James Mackintosh
A record miscellany, edited by Anna Instone
for Dick Dudley. Dorothy Carless , Benny Lee , and Nat Temple and his Orchestra to entertain you. Produced by Pat Dixon.
Richard Bennett introduces experts who answer Forces questions
on gramophone records
TRAVEL TALKS. The British Empire. ' In the Track of the Westerlies,' by H. Mackay
2.20 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH, by Jean-Jacques Oberlin and Marie Touchard. ' La fete de Noel en famille '
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 1. A Christmas programme, based on a ghost story: ' Gabriel Grub ,' from ' The Pickwick Papers,' by Charles Dickens
Band of the Royal Inniskilling Fusilieis: conductor, Mr. H. F. Ottway
Stephen Williams tells the story of Beethoven's opera, with gramophone records
Reginald King at the piano, with the Quintet and instrumental soloist. This week, Evelyn Rothwell (oboe)
6—' The Right of Assembly.' Recording of Sunday's broadcast
' King Canister's Cure.' Philip Garston-Jones tells one of his own stories
' A Day in Shropshire.' The story of a journey over the Clee Hills to Ludlow and on into the north of the county, introducing some of the people who live there. Written and produced by Margaret Bacon. Songs from ' A Shropshire Lad ' sung by Arthur Cranmer (baritone)
6.10 General Weather Forecast and forecast for farmers and shipping
6.13 app. Sport, topical talks, and announcements
Cliff Gordon introduces the young featured players of West-End theatre, concert hall, film and Variety, in their own programme, with Stanley Black, and the augmented Dance Orchestra. Produced by Gordon Crier. (BBC recording)
Symphony No. 6, in C played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Ian Whyte
W. M. Ewer , Diplomatic Correspondent of the ' Daily Herald,' Noel Newsome , O.B.E., and others who have worked in or visited Germany, talk over the problems. In the chair, Mary Adams
Second of Leonard Cottrell 's two programmes reconstructing his recent flight from Britain to Canada, America, and the West Indies
Part 2-Continuing the journey to New York, which is reached in time for the V-J day celebrations; Bermuda, the original of Prospero's enchanted island; Nassau: Miami; Baltimore; home in a B.O.A.C. clipper ' flying-boat
Flight arranged for the BBC by courtesy of R.A.F. Transport Command and British Overseas Airways Corporation
Douglas Furber introduces
Fay Compton
Edgar Norfolk. Jack Cooper , and Carole Lynne. Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Frank Cantell. Orchestrations by Jack Beaver. Produced by Michael North.
Radio play by Denzil Batchelor suggested by Peter Fleming 's story ' Tom-Tom.' Produced by Hugh Stewart
Other parts played by members of the BBC Repertory Company
and his Quintet, with the Greene Sisters
Lilian Duff introduces a gramophone programme of French artists
Twenty-second in the series of new or recently published verse. Arranged by Patric Dickinson.
String Quartet No. 1, in E flat, played by the Perole Quartet: on records