Exercises for men and women
Gramophone records of his overtures
Readings from the Bible
' The Radio Doctor
and his Orchestra.
. on gramophone records
Talk from Ulster lor Anzac Day
at the theatre organ
News commentary
from page 29 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 52 of ' Each Returning Day.' Thy kmgdom come! Psalm 126; St. John 15. w. 1-11; 0 God of Bethel
at the piano, with his Quintet
Scottish HERITAGE. The 'Forty-Five,' by George Bruce
11.20 CURRENT AFFAIRS, discussed by experts
11.40 MUSIC AND THE DANCE, by John Horton. 1-' Music without the Dance'
Wales and North. War-workers combine to entertain in the lunch-hour. Introduced by Pat Williams (Wales), and Victor Smythe (North)
followed by an interlude on records
(arranged in collaboration with ENSA). BBC Northern Orchestra; conducted by Clarence Raybould
.From a factory in the North-West
FOR RURAL SCHOOLS (England). In Dylsford and Beyond. ' The Daily Round,' by Honor Wyatt: the work of the District Nurse
2.15 GENERAL SCIENCE: ' The Speed of Sound ' (i), by Dr. Alexander Wood
2.40 JUNIOR ENGLISH. ' Our Lady's Juggler ': a medieval legend, retold by Silvia Goodall
An anthology of laughter from films, books, and records, compiled by Roy Plomley. Edited by. Pat Osborne
by Susan Ertz. Produced by Fred O' Donovan
by David Bruce. Produced by Fred 0 Donovan
Cast includes
Al Collins and his Band
Atgoflon gan David Jones. (Talk in Welsh)
BBC Scottish Orchestra (conducted by Ian Whyte ), gives a concert to five hundred members of Glasgow Corporation Junfor Clubs. The children sing songs with orchestral accompaniment
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
Joseph C. Harsch
.with Sandy Powell and Johnny Lockwood
(by arrangement with Bertram Montague ). Entertainment in an Emporium of Fun, with Cliff Gordon , Cecilia Eddy , Dorothy Smith , and Bettie Bucknelle
BBC Revue Chorus and the Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black. Script by Ray Sonin. Produced by C. F. Meehan. (BBC recording)
A new Education Act came into force this month: Douglas Hoyghton shows how it affects us today and tomorrow
(Fighter Command) (by permission of the A.0.0.) under the direction of Cpl. Paul Fenoulhet
Chorus of retainers, townsfolk, and aerial spirits
BBC Theatre Chorus. BBC Theatre Orchestra: conductor, Stanford Robin son
Prologue: A cottage kitchen on a winter evening
Act 1: The Tsar's castle in Tmutarakan, by the sea
Act 2: The magic island of Buyan: seashore
Act 3: Scene 1, as Act 2; Scene 2, as Act 1
Act 4: Scene 1, as Act 2: Scene 2:
Guidon's palace in the wonder-city of Buyan
and War Commentary given by Major Lewis Hastings , M.C.
This is the first War Commentary to be broadcast from Germany, where Major Hastings is visiting our armies
Part 2
115—' French for Funny.' written and . read by Robert Westerby
4-' Cothrom Cosnaidh.' Thatar a' bruidhinn air oibrichean ura a thogail anns a' Ghaidhealtachd agus 's e a' cheist a bhios far comhair an nochd gu de an cothrom cosnaidh a bheir iad sin, maille ri seann oibrichean, do mhuinntir na Gaidhealtachd (air clair). (Discussion in Gaelic)
Famous bands, on records