Exercises for men and women
Gramophone records of some of his songs and instrumental music
Rev. Kendrick Hart. Vicar .of All Saints'. Bedford
' Scotch Pancakes,' by Mrs. Ingillson
Popular songs and dance music, on gramophone records
Under the direction of Alfred Jupp , with Esther Coleman (contralto)
From Bournemouth
these gramophone rt
Studies: In C minor, Op. 10. No.12 ; in E, Op. 10, No. 3 (Chopin) : Paderewski (piano)
Study in C sharp minor. Op. 10,
No. 4 (Chopi Horowitz (piano)
Study in A flat, Op. 25. No. 1
(Chopin) : Solomon (piano)
Parla Valse (Arditi) : The Nightingale (Alabiev) ; Lo, here the gentle lark (Bishop) : Galli-Curci (soprano)
La danza (Rossini) : Heddle Nash
Concert Studies: in D flat ; in F minor (Liszt) : Louis Kentner (piano)
from page 25 of 'JJew Every Morning ' and page 46 of ' Each Returning Day.' At thy feet. 0 Christ, we lay thine own gift ; Psalm 25. w. 1-13 ; St. John 7, v. 53 and 8, w. 1-11 ; Lead us, 0 Father
at the theatre organ
Some tips for evacuees and the people who receive them, by a Medical Officer of Health
and the Michael Krein Saxophone Quartet.
Sung by Desiree Ellinger
Conductor, William Haydock
ENSA show for war-workers, from a factory canteen : Joe Loss and his Band. Guest artist. Max Wall
and his Band
on gramophone records
Coronation March and Hymn (German) : London Philharmonic Orchestra
Sospiri (Elgar) : BBC Symphony Orchestra
Symphony (Walton) : London Symphony Orchestra
Fugue (Berners) : Symphony Orchestra
Charles Smart and the Moonrakers
Quartet in A, Op. 30 played by the London Belgian Piano Quartet
Henry James reads William Saroyan 's story, ' The Horses. and the Sea'
Recorded in America, by arrangement with the U.S. Armed Forces Radio Service
(News and topical talks in Welsh)
5.0 Newyddion y Dydd
5.5 Yr Wythnos yng Nghymru,' gan Meuryn
5.10 Sgwrs amserol. gan H. T. Edwards
'The Borrowed Garden': a holiday serial by Kathleen Fidler, produced by Nan Macdonald. Part 2 - A Discovery
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Last of a series of four talks by Rev. F. H. Brabant , of Winchester
The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black; four sound problems; two musical problems, played by Jack Payne's Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Andrews; two star problems, provided by Petula Clark and Jack Warner. Introduced by Ronald Waldman, and produced by Audrey Cameron in aid of the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund.
In the £250 Red Cross Radio Contest broadcast on July 21, the correct answers were: CBBC-BCBA
The following nine listeners submitted correct entries and share the £250 prize: Mrs. W. Birkinshaw, Bexley Heath; Mrs. E.L. Boswell, Bristol 7; Mrs. E. Dixon, Gainsborough; Mrs. E. Evans, Harrow; Miss W. Hughes, County Hospital, Lenham, Kent; Mrs. B.C. Lomax, Spinney Hill, Northampton; Miss G. Perry, Lechlade; Mrs. J.R. Petrie, Fulwell, Sunderland; Mrs. K. Wesson, Sherwood, Nottingham.
From author to ether on a kilocycle, by Pat Dixon and Max Kester , with acknowledgments to Max Kester and Pat Dixon.
The story of the famous wax-works, from the French Revolution to the present day, including scenes from the life of Mme. Tussaud, who is played by Mary O'Farrell. Bernard Tussaud tells how the figures are made today. Music by Roy Douglas. Written and produced by Jenifer Wayne.
Conducted by Albert Coates
Raymond Gram Swing
and postscript
and his Orchestra
and his Sextet