Records chosen by Forces overseas
(Part 1), including, at 7.30, "'I Know What I Like ' : a personal choice of records, introduced today by Tom Chalmers
Part 2
followed by News read at dictation speed for Forces newspapers overseas
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Conducted by Captain T. S. Chandler , Director of Music, Welsh Guards
John Blore and his Orchestra.
Produced by the U.S. Armed Forces Radio Service.
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
followed at 12.2 by Sidelights from Today's Papers
The law of the Lord is an undefiled law (Psalm 19, vv. 7-15); Rejoice, the Lord is King (A. and M. 202).
(BBC recording)
Fortnightly magazine for Forces in hospitals overseas.
(Recording of yesterday's broadcast)
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Repeat of yesterday's recorded broadcast
-from Scotland.
followed by reports from the battle-fronts
on gramophone records
Close-ups from the war-fronts of the world
Alfredo Campoli (violin) and Jean Merlow (piano)
Weekly commentary on world affairs
with Reg. Leopold and his Players and Jack Cooper
Spike Hughes 's weekly programme for swing fans
for Middle East and Mediterranean-from Bangor, County Down, Northern Ireland. News, music, and people introduced by George Loxton. Produced by James Mageean.
followed by reports from the battle-fronts
(Naval edition). A Home Forces entertainment for Service men and women in the Mediterranean Area ; Orchestra of H.M. Royal Marines (Portsmouth Division), direeted' by Captain Vivian Dunn , M.V.O. ; Service artists and guest stars ; ' Double or Quits' quiz, conducted by Lieutenant Harold Warrender , R.N.V.R. Programme introduced by Leading Wren Meg Merrifield, and produced, in collaboration with the Personal Services Department of the Admiralty, by David Manderson. (BBC recording)
Records chosen for themselves by British Forces serving overseas
followed at 9.10 by Home News from Canada cabled from the CBC News Rooms
or ' The Diary of a Schoolmaster,' with Clarence Wright , Arthur Young , Franklyn Bellamy , Charles Hawtrey , Babs Valerie , Derek Lansiaux , Cyril Gardener , and John Clark. The Dance Orchestra conducted, and incidental music arranged by Stanley Black. Script by Max Kester and Con West. The show designed by Will Hay , and produced by Alick Hayes.
Richard Crean and his Orchestra