and Home Service programme summary
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
Exercises for women : May Brown At the pianos, Barbara Laing and Andrew Bryson.
Gramophone records of Bax's ' Overture to a Picaresque Comedy' ; ' Tintagel'; and ' Mediterranean '
Short morning prayers
'Freddy Grisewood Speaking'
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
from a selection of records
at the. organ of the Granada, Tooting
News commentary
from page 45 of 'New Every Morning' and page 8 of 'Each Returning Day'. King of glory; Psalm 97; City of God, how broad and far.
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
11.0 RHYTHM AND MELODY. Percy Young. 8—' Rhythmic Silence ' : a broadcast about Rests
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. New developments in the British Empire : ' Irri
. gating for Cotton in the Sudan'
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES : a talk, illustrated by some. dramatised scenes from ' The Family from One End Street'
Variety, on records
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
and his Band
Topical magazine programme
2.0 NATURE STUDY. 'From My Island ' : another letter by F. Fraser Darling, from the Isle of Tanera
2.15 1 YSGOLION CYMRU (For Welsh schools). Hanes Cymru. 20-Cymru a'r Rhyfel Cartrefol : Yr Archesgob John Williams ; Cafalir a Phiwritan ; John Jones , Maesygar-' nedd : gan Frank Price Jones
2.35 SENIOR HISTORY II. The changing world. ' Growth without Plan ' : studying the results in an early nineteenth-century town, by Philippa Pearce
Vernon Adcock and his Dance Orchestra
Conductor, Mr. David McBain
Conducted by Clarence Raybould who took the leading part in ' A New Life ', which will be broadcast at
9.40. tonight from recordings specially made for the BBC in New York, after the recent stage production in that city
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddiau o'r llvfr ' Bob Bore o Newydd '
' Come to China ' : a programme of music and verse
Natiohal and Regional announcements
and his Hawaiians (by arrangement with Jack Payne )
' Pigs on the Farm ' : W. S. Mans field, Director of the Cambridge University Farm, is joined in a discussion by Alec Hobson , O.B.E., Secretary of the National Pig Breeders' Association, and Alexander McCuckian of Cloughmills. Co. Antrim
conducts the BBC Theatre Orchestra
' All out for a good time ' : an unfinished discussion in which a number of young people give their views on the characters of a ' good-time girl ' and her boy-friends. In the "chair, Douglas Allan
with Horace Percival , Fred Yule , Dorothy Summers , Sydney Keith , Dino Galvani , Bill Stephens , Jean Capra , and Jack Cooper. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Script and lyrics by Ted Kavanagh. Produced by Francis Worsley
'War in the Pacific', by R. W. Robson Listeners who heard R. W. Robson's cabled review of the war in the South-West Pacific, broadcast a month ago, will remember that he is one of the men on the spot. As editor of the Pacific Islands Monthly he has-first-hand experience which makes his analysis of the attacks on Japan's outer defences well worth hearing.
Scenes from Elmer Rice 's latest play ' A New Life ', produced earlier this season at the Royale Theatre, New York. Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Roy Lockwood. (Recorded by the BBC in New York)
The action takes place in the maternity ward of a skyscraper hospital overlooking the East River in New York
Elmer Rice , author of A New Life, is one of America's leading playwrights, and will be particularly remembered in this country for The Adding Machine (1923) and Street Scene (1929) — also perhaps for his book ' A Voyage to Puerilia' a brilliant satire on the world of Hollywood films.
Address by the Rev. George F. Macleod , D.D., lona Community
An anthology of poetry compiled by V. Sackville-West. Spoken by Richard Elwes , Doris Lytton , and Patric Curwen
Sonata in D (K.448) played by Harry Isaacs and York Bowen (two pianos)
and his Orchestra, featuring Dorothy Carless , with Doreen- Villiers, Len Camber , Derek Roy , Johnny Green , and Three Boys and a Girl