and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Conducted by W. Haydock. (Gramophone records)
Exercises for men: Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women: Audrey Nicol
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
Janet Dunbar : ' Made with Oatmeal'
from a selection of records
and his Orchestra, with George Pizzey (baritone)
at the organ of the, Granada, Tooting
News commentary and interlude
from page 25 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 46 of ' Each Returning Day '. At thy feet, 0 Christ, we lay; Psalm 91, vv. 1-11 ; Pray that Jerusalem may have peace and felicity'
De Wolfe and his Orchestra
11.0 RHYTHM AND MELODY. John Horton : ' Two Sounds to a Beat-Writing Quavers'. '. Song : Bobby Shaftoe
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. India : 'Irrigation Colonies in the Punjab', by Captain F. McDermott and S. M. L. Bean
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES : Poems about giants and fairies, followed by a dramatisation of ' The Two Giants', a story taken from ' Peter Simple '
Légende in E flat for violin and piano, played by Henry Holst and Gerald Moore ; (Gramophone records)
' " K " for Kitty ' and ' It's Never in the News', by Flying Officer ' X ', from his book ' The Greatest People in the World ', read by James Lang ham
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
' Where can I get advice ? ' : talk on Citizens' Advice Bureaux, by Dorothy C. Keeling , Head of the C.A.B. Department of the National Council-of Social Service
and his Band
Talk by Eleanor Martin on the parents' part in religious training
2.0 NATURE STUDY. 'At the Old Castle': Scott Kennedy and Tom visit the old Castle where barn-owls nest and rear their young
2.15 Interval music
2.20 i YSGOLION CYMRU. (For Welsh schools.) 'Y Pentref'. Cyfres i blant dros naw mlwydd oed. 5: 'Ysgol y Pentref', gan Hywel D. Roberts. Mae Ifan Owen yn chwilio tipyn o hanes yr ysgol yn y ganrif ddiwethaf. Fe fydd yn sylwi hefyd ar yr ysgol heddiw a rhai eeffeithiau'r rhyfel
2.40 SENIOR HISTORY. The United States of America: 'What Railways Have Meant in the U.S.A.'. Settling a continent. The trade routes of a continental 'empire', by Jonquil Antony
Charlie Kunz and his Rhythm
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult. Shula Doniach (piano)
(First broadcast performance)
Discussion on Northern dialect and humour by T. Thompson and Wilfred Pickles
Alfred Hepworth (tenor), Harold Craxton (piano)
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddiau o'r llyfr ' Bob Bore o Newydd'
' Little Women ' by Louisa M. Alcott. Adapted by Catherine Buckle. Part 2-' Neighbours '. Produced by Nan Macdonald
Fuel Flash for housewives, followed by National and Regional announcements
' County Problem '. First of a new series of monthly farming programmes in which wartime problems affecting the various counties will be discussed. 1 — Northamptonshire. Anthony Hurd in the chair.
10— ' Nanking '. Written by Louis
MacNeice. Produced by Walter Rilla
[Starring] Mabel Constanduros
with John Rorke, Phyllis Morris, Dorothy Summers, Bill Stephens, Vera Lennox, and Fred Yule. The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent.
Weekly programme for under-. twenties, introduced by Hamilton Kennedy
Revival of the play for broadcasting by Leonard Cottrell , from the story by Stacy Aumonier , with Gladys Young as ' Mrs. Pennyfeather', and James McKechnie as 'Ned Picket-kin '. Produced by John Cheatle
by Group Captain W. Helmore , C.B.E.
War dramas of the week : reconstructions of the news from the battle-fronts- of the world. General editor, Robert .Barr. Music under the direction of George. Walter. Produced by John Glyn -Jones
Address by the Rev. Thomas F. Torrance
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Reading from Gilber: White, by Kevin Fitzgerald
and his Band