and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Gracie Fields, singing songs by William Haines
Exercises for men: George Welton
7.40 Exercises for women: May Brown
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
' Try something new '
Popular dance music and songs on gramophone records
at the organ of the Granada, Tooting
Introductory music
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (A. and M. 657; S.P. 626; C.H. 22) (Tune: Lobe den Herren)
Prayers: The Prayer for God's Presence; The Lord's Prayer
Jesus shall reign (A. and M. 220; S.P. 545; C.H. 388, omitting v. 2) (Tune: Truro)
Closing music
and his Orchestra
Sing As We Go
Tunes of the Times
(For Welsh schools). Cwrs y Byd. Trem ar y newyddion
News commentary and interlude
from p. 1 of 'New Every Morning' and p. 6 of ' Each Returning Day '
Sonata, Op. 25, No. 1 played by Dorothea Aspinall (piano)
Topical notes on wartime health, mainly by doctors w
11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR INFANTS : Ann Driver. Revision
11.20 Interval music
11.25 SCOTTISH HERITAGE: 'The Covenanters ' : the story of Grizel Baillie
11.45 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS : Equipping ourselves to understand : ' An International Problem', by Gilbert Murray , D. Litt .
and his Orchestra, with Rosa Levain and Peter Valerio , from the Continental Restaurant, Bournemouth
ENSA concert for war workers, with Evelyn Laye , and Carroll Gibbons and his Orchestra. Vocalist, Billie Campbell
Week-end notes for women gardeners by Anna Scarlett and Barbara Tarver
Joyce Sutton (contralto), Margaret Good (piano). BBC Chorus (chorus-master, Leslie Woodgate). BBC Symphony Orchestra (leader, Paul Beard): conducted by Constant Lambert
From the Corn Exchange, Bedford
2.0 TRAVEL TALKS : RUSSIA. ' A Seaside Holiday before the War' : on holiday in the Crimea, by Violet Connolly
2.15 Interval music
2.20 USEFUL CITIZENS : Series of imaginary interviews, written by Honor Wyatt , between F. H. Grisewood and people who have worked to make the world a better place than they found it. ' Samuel Plimsoll, who worked to make merchant ships safe for their sailors '
2.40 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT FOR SCHOOLS : BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Reginald Jacques. Programme presented by Reginald Jacques , D. Mus.
First of a series of gramophone programmes, in .which Helen Henschel endeavours to answer the question so often asked
BBC MidlancCLight Orchestra, conducted by W. K. Stanton
sung by Kate Winter (soprano)
' No Easter bonnet for Mrs. Jerry ', by Margot Wood
Jack Simpson and his Sextet, with Betty Kent
Rhaglen o ganu a siarad o Rydaman, tref lie y cyferfydd y bywyd gwledig Cymreig a'r llif diwydiannol. Trenwyd y rhaglen gan Aneirin Talfan Davies. (Speech and song in Welsh)
5.20 ' Old Peter's Russian Tales', by Arthur Ransome. No.6—' The Golden Fish'. Favourite gramophone records
5.45 ' So that's how it's done'. No. 3—' Stained Glass ', by W. R. Dalzell
National and Regional announcements
' Æ ' : talk by James Stephens
'In the North Country.' Narrator, Wilfred Pickles. Presented by Ronald Biggs and Clifton Helliwell
This programme, the last of the series, is a recorded picture of amateur music making. It has been made by some of the people to whom these programmes have been directed.
—' That's what I say '
The last of twelve broadcasts, each prefaced by a short scene from everyday life illustrating the usage of some familiar catch phrase.
True story, arranged for radio by Desmond Hawkins. Produced by Francis Dillon 1
[Starring] Tommy Handley
with Jack Train; and Horace Percival, Sydney Keith, Clarence Wright, Fred Yule, Dorothy Summers, Kay Cavendish, Paula Green, Dino Galvani. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell.
by Arthur Woodburn , M.P.
Symphony No. 7, in C played by the BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Clarence Raybould
A reading from his poems, commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death
Variety Department experimental hour (in fifteen minutes). No. 7-' Mingled Yarn ' : a study of a man, written and produced by Ronald Waldman
This programme might be briefly described as an attempt to depict the ordinary little man as one who is not only very like his fellows, but also very like himself. This character will be able both to speak for himself, and, every so often, to point himself out to listeners as an objective study.
BBC Singers: Margaret Godley, Joyce Sutton, Margaret Rees, Margaret Rolfe, Bradbridge White, Stanley Riley, Emlyn Bebb, Samuel Dyson. Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
(All edited by E. H. Fellowes )
and postscript
Play by F. Sladen-Smith . Produced by Howard Rose
and his Band