An early-morning miscellany of gramophone records
(Summary of official announcements in Welsh)
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Commander A. B. Campbell
(A recording of a talk broadcast on October 27, 1937)
at the theatre organ
A gramophone programme of song successes written by Noel Gay
11.0 Announcements and Singing
11.5 Round the Countryside
The Voices you Hear—1
11.15 The Story of Haroun-al-Raschid,
Caliph of Baghdad
11.35 Music and Singing
11.45 'On the Borders of Tibet'
Written by Sir George Dunbar
Bing Crosby and Bob Crosby and his Band on gramophone records
A short story written for broadcasting by L. A. G. Strong read by the author
at the theatre organ
2.15 Round the Countryside
The Voices you Hear-2
2.25 . Music and Singing
2.45 Florence Nightingaje. The story of the Lady with the Lamp
Conducted by Ian Whyte
at the theatre organ
on gramophone records
recorded by Alexander Kipnis (bass)
Accompanied by Gerald Moore
O wiisst ich doch den Weg zuriick (Ah! did I but know the way back),
Op. 63, No. 8
Standchen (Serenade), Op. 106, No. 1
Vergebliches Standchen (Vain Pleading), Op. 84, No. 4 Von ewiger Liebe (Everlasting Love), Op. 43, No. 1
' Winnie the Pooh' by A. A. Milne
No. 8 : ' 'Piglet is entirely surrounded by water '
Illustrated by H. Fraser-Simson 's ' Hums of Pooh'
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Howard Marshall
on gramophone records
Louise Voss Grand Orchestra
on gramophone records
or ' The Murder in The Red Barn'
A true drama of real life in the Suffolk village of Polstead, in the year 1828
Arranged for broadcasting by Tod Slaughter , and produced by Laurence Gilliam with the BBC Repertory Company
At the piano, Joan Carr and Harold Scott
Characters :
Maria Marten , Carlos the Gypsy, Dame Marten, Timothy Bobbin ,
Nan Marten , William Corder
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
The Grimms' fairy-tale retold, with words and music by Henry Reed
Produced by David Porter
at the theatre organ
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
on gramophone records