Cheerful gramophone records
(tenor), on gramophone records
Gramophone records
at the organ of the Gaumont State,
Conductor, Charles E. Smith
Story by Charles Hatton
Scene : The office of Mr. Julian Payne , manager of the Belle Maison store, during the late spring of 1927
Damau difyr at y bore, sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell s,tori ddigrif. Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
Eric Winstone and his Band -
Terzetto for two violins and viola played by Isolde Menges (violin), Beatrice Carrelle (violin), and Jean Stewart (viola)
Dvorak's Terzetto for two violins and viola was written early in 1887. when the composer was in his forty-sixth year, for three of his friends who met regularly to make music for their own pleasure. It is a little masterpiece of its kind, full of lyrical charm. The last movement is a set of little variations on an old-fashioned theme.
with his Orchestra and artists
BBC Men's Chorus : conductor, Leslie Woodgate. George Pizzey (baritone). At the piano, John Wills ,
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
(Recording of last night's broadcast)
' Dominion Scottish ' : programme by Major J. T. Gorman , with the BBC Military Band : conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell. Narrator, Douglas Lamond
sung by Frederick Harvey
Billy Mayerl and his Band
Conducted by Harold Lowe
Variety from the North of the Tweed, with the Scottish Variety Orchestra : conductor, Ronnie Munro. Sketches by the old firm of House and MacKinnon. Produced by Ian Sadler
and his Orchestra
Questions on current affairs from men and women in the Forces, answered by experts
National and Regional announcements
read by Colin Wills
read by Arthur Heighway
read by Cyril Watling
with Fred and Bing : gramosaic of the gayest records of Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby
by Alexander Maclntyre
Ninth of another series of gramophone programmes of well-loved music, arranged' and presented by Doris Arnold
Something new in organ entertainment, with the BBC Revue Chorus, conducted by Arnold Perry. Presented by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
The fighting spirit of the United Nations. Dramatic presentation of the free peoples of the world at war.
' Gabriel Peri ' : portrait of a French patriot. Written by Stephen Clark -son. Arranged by Brigid Maas , and produced by John Gough
Concert-party show, devised by Harry S. Pepper , with George Doonan , Suzette Tarri , Sidney Burchall , Helen Hill , and Clarence Wright. At the pianos, Alan Paul and James Moody. The Follies Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent. Script written by Dick Pepper. Produced by Jacques Brown.
Twenty-third of a series of gramophone programmes, presented by Compton Mackenzie
played by the BBC Variety Orchestra : conductor, Charles Shadwell.