Cheerful gramophone records
(baritone), on gramophone records
Popular artists and bands parade for your entertainment on records
Cathie B. MacLean (soprano), Alexander Brown (baritone), and Rae Russell (harp)
at the organ of the Granada, Harrow
with Sydney Bright and his Septet. Programme introduced by Elizabeth Cowell.
with his Orchestra and artists
Quartets and Septets played by the Foden's Brass Septet, directed by Fred Mortimer
Percival Mackey and his Orchestra
at the theatre organ
on gramophone records
Columbia Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra conducted by Howard Barlow : Symphonic Poem, Orpheus (Liszi)
Sadler's Wells Orchestra, conducted by Constant Lambert . Solo piano, Louis Kentner : Dante Sonata (Liszi—Gonstant Lambert)
Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Koussevitzky March and Scherzo (The Love for Three Oranges) (Prokofiev)
at the piano, with his Quartet
Recording of last night's broadcast by Group Captain W. Helmore , C.B.E.
and his Band, with Harry Davis ; featuring Diane, Bobby Young , Alan Dean , Terry Devon , Sid Wright with his novachord, and Monte Rey
presented with gramophone records by John Horton
Conducted by Leslie Heward
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Fifth of a series of broadcasts presented by members of the Canadian Forces. Master of Ceremonies, Gerry Wihnot. Those taking part include Canadian soldiers, sailors, and airmen
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Stephen Williams presents gramophone records of Mussorgsky's 'Boris Godunov '
Richard Austin talks, and plays some records to the Club
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
with the Bachelor Girls, Peter Akister and George Elliott. Presented by James Moody. (Special BBC Recording)
New serial play by Francis Durbridge.
Every week in the BBC's North American Service British experts have been telling American listeners what they want to know about Britain. Now in the East-bound ' Answering You ', listeners in this country hear their questions about the U.S.A. answered by American men and women of wide and varied experience, speaking direct from New York
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
' Alarm Call' : fighting the fire blitz at a London telephone exchange. Written by T. C. Foley. Arranged and produced by Brigid Maas
Including messages recorded by members of the Services in Egypt for their relatives and friends in Great Britain.
Jack Jackson and his Band. (Recording of the broadcast on November 6)